Friday, December 28, 2012

Year End Number Crunch 2012

It's time to count things!

Total Books Read: 80
Total Re-reads: 5
Total Pages: 26,735

Men: 28
Women: 53
(one book had both!)

Book Club: 9
Challenges: 15 ish
Blog Tours: 4
Reviews for ARCs received: 9
Read Alongs: 3
Utah Authors: 19
On my own for fun: 36
(yeah, so a few of those overlap!)

The library: 24 (including a few ebooks!)
My own stash: 33
Kindle: 19!Borrowed: 4

YA and MG: 50
Adult: 30

From the YA category:
Science Fiction/ Fantasy (including dystopian, paranormal, horror, steam punk, etc.): 32
Romance: 5
Other (contemporary fiction): 9
Middle Grade: 4

From the Adult category:
Non Fiction: 1
Classics: 5
Literary Fiction: 4
Science Fiction/ Fantasy (including dystopian, paranormal, horror, etc.): 11
Historical Fiction: 3
Romance: 4
Mystery/Thriller: 2

My observations:
  • figuring out genres is hard!
  • I need to read more adult books... literary fiction and historical fiction
  • As usual, I need to read more classics and non fiction.
  • Why am I so tempted by YA SF/Fantasy?!!?? Gosh, I LOVE those books!
  • Wow! Lots of Kindle books for having it only half the year!
  • No audio books yet....
  • I can't seem to do 100 books anymore. I will lower my Goodreads goal this year. I like this 80 number a lot!
  • I didn't do as many read a longs this year as I thought I would. I did much less blog tours than past years too. 
That's about all! What have you observed about your reading habits this past year?


  1. Figuring out genres is nearly impossible isn't it?? I'm looking forward to keeping track of my reading this year. I've never done that before because I wasn't blogging and I just read what I read. I'm hoping to take advantage of Goodreads so that I have a nice record. :)

    You did great this year, congrats!

    1. Jennifer: Keeping track of what you read is a blast. Enjoy! This is the first year I didn't use a notebook and only used Goodreads.

  2. Figuring out genres is hard, sheesh, totally agree.

    Well last year I made my 50 goal and put it up to 52 and i'm on 48, so not making that but close.

  3. I tend to read mysteries and mostly cozy mysteries, but did attempt a classic or two this year and joined a book club to push me to read out of my comfort zone.
    Congrats on 80, I probably didn't read more than 52 (one a week seems to be my limit)

  4. Wow the 19 kindle books kinda shocked me too. Awesome, though.

  5. 80 is a good number to aim for, I think. Though I shouldn't talk, I only read 40 something. :-) I always aim to read more adult books and less YA too - YA is my bookish equivalent of comfort food and I choose it all the time.

    1. Joanna: Totally a comfort food, that YA stuff!

  6. So many books fit into so many genres that it's almost impossible to classify some! Looks like this was a great year though...just need to work on trying out some audiobooks!

  7. I blew my reading goal out of the water, and there are still days to count!

    80 is a good goal. It is a little more than 1 book a week. Good luck with next year!

    1. Kami: Way to go! yeah, I like 80 I think, we'll see how that goes next year...

  8. Wow! You did so awesome! What was your goal (if you had one)? I only read 23 (possibly 24) this year. But, I hope to read more next year.

    This is a fun post. I may steal if do it myself, even though my list would be so sad compared to yours, lol.

    1. Jenni: I've tried to read an even 100 for the past few years. I made it for a few, but the last couple have not happened. If I keep reading classics, I just don't think I can do that many a year any more.

  9. I'm not sure I will ever crack 100 books. I think I got up near 80 a few years ago and that was a fluke. I seem to hover near the 50 or 60 mark, with reading falling off at times during the middle of the year for some reason. This past year was because of all the time devoted to running, but it is a pattern that existed from years before.

    Not that you don't have enough to do, but wanted to point out that Worlds Without End is doing a fun Women of Genre Fiction Reading Challenge in 2013. Here is the link if you are interested:

    You will have to try audio books sometime. There are some WONDERFUL ones out there.

    I'm hoping to read more YA in the coming year, especially as I already have a pile here and others that are coming out that I'm interested in.

    1. Carl: I will go check out that challenge! Thanks... and good luck with all your goals, running and otherwise. And when I do decide to do audiobooks, I'll be asking you which ones are the wonderful ones!

  10. I'll have some good suggestions, for certain!
