Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Discovered This Year

It's a fun list this week over at The Broke and Bookish, and it's one I love to do every year, and that is to recognize the authors I read and loved that are new to me! Ah, the list could be a pretty long one actually, but here's the ten I came up with:

Top Ten New to Me Authors

1. Diana Peterfreund: This author commented on my blog earlier this year when I was talking about Persuasion and she mentioned that she had a book coming out that was a retelling of this classic. It took me a few months, but when that book came out (For Darkness Shows the Stars,) I read it and absolutely LOVED it!

2. Veronica Rossi: I loved Under the Never Sky and am totally excited for the next book! I'll be paying close attention to anything else she writes in the future too.

3. Julianne Donaldson made a big splash locally with her book, Edenbrooke. I'm not sure if she is as well know out there in the world, but my guess is if not, she will be soon.

4. While Maggie Stiefvater is not really new to me, I truly discovered her this year with The Scorpio Races and The Raven Boys. Awesome stuff.

5. Jennifer A. Nielsen is another local author that wrote a fabulous fantasy book called The False Prince. I'm so excited for the next book coming up in March!

6. I read Sarah Waters for the first time this year with The Little Stranger and that was a great experience and I'd like to give her another try too.

7. Lindsey Leavitt's book Sean Griswold's Head was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to get to more of her books soon.

8. Elizabeth Wein who wrote the very popular book this year, Code Name Verity, is new to me. I'm wondering was she new to everyone this year?

9. Audrey Couloumbis I think has been around a bit, but I just recently read Not Exactly a Love Story and now I'm curious about her other books.

10. Camille Picott is an author/blog friend of my real life blog friend Jenny and so when Jenny raved about her book, I had to go out and find it and read it and it was a lot of fun! I'll be keeping my eye on this new to me author!

I loved all these authors! Weird that they are all lady ones! I usually love the guys too, so what's up with that? What authors did you learn about and love this year?


  1. You have to read Fingersmith by Sarah Waters! I almost wish I hadn't read that book first, because most people would agree that it's her best book and it's still the favorite read of my book club even though we read it last year.

    Maggie Steifvater wasn't new to me either, but Raven Boys was amazing! I will definitely be reading Scorpio Races in 2013! Code Name Verity is also on my must read list for next year since I didn't get to it this year!

  2. Great list! The only one I have read is Maggie Stifvater. I read Her Haunted Symmetry. I hear her other books are better.

    Here is my own: http://imlostinbooks.blogspot.com/2012/12/top-ten-tuesday-my-author-discoveries.html

  3. oh what a great list of authors :) Yes loved diana and veronica

  4. I love Audrey Couloumbis! Read GETTING NEARER TO BABY and her MAUDE books.

  5. Great list! Haven't heard of some of these, so will definitely check them out next time I'm at the bookstore!

  6. I read a lot of books by new-to-me authors this year. I didn't keep a list of them though, maybe I'll do that next year. Apart from Charles Dickens, all the books I read this year were by ladies too. Food for thought.

  7. Sarah Waters was a really good first author experience this year. Although I found some fault with the book overall, The Little Stranger was still a very good read that showcased a strong talent for telling a story.

  8. I love Lindsey Leavitt's books and I still need to read Code Name Verity! My TTT list: http://aliceinreaderland.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/top-ten-favorite-new-to-me-authors-i-read-in-2012/

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  9. I have yet to read these, I especially look forward to Veronica Rossi and Diana Peterfreund.

    My TTT

  10. You have quite a few authors on this list that I've been meaning to read, but haven't had the chance. I really need to discover them too! :D

  11. The Scorpio Races and Under the Never SKy were 2 of my favorite reads this year too!

    My TTT: http://nightmareonbookstreet.blogspot.com/2012/12/top-ten-tuesday-newbie-love.html

  12. I love that you have a lot of personal and local connections with the authors you've listed. And if you want to read another Sarah Waters, I'd highly recommend Fingersmith!

  13. I loved Tell the WOlves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt. I was surprised I liked it as much as I did- I couldn't put it down! Great writing, great story.
