Thursday, December 20, 2012

Have a Good One!

I had plans to blog through all the craziness, but it doesn't seem to be happening. First off, I seem to be completely out of bloggish ideas. This is a strange feeling, and a frustrating one! Next week I hope to do some more wrap posts, but I'm not in the mood to make those happen this week.

Secondly, there's just too much going on and I can't concentrate on blogging or reading... not even a little bit really. Tonight there's book club (I didn't re-read the books sadly) and tomorrow is a birthday at our house (if the world doesn't end of course) and then there's dinner to take to a sick neighbor on Saturday and perhaps make treats gifts for other friends, Sunday I hope to have a fun family hang out night, Monday we are hosting the extended family party, and then it's Christmas! Whew.

After that it's either hang out and relax... or take off and disappear. I guess we'll see.

Anyway, I'm sure it's a similar story for most all of you! But I just wanted to check in really quick to say that I hope you all have a great holiday and that if I seem to be scarce, it's only temporary! Maybe I'll be in and out, but I've a feeling that this year, it's going to be mostly out. I think if I give myself permission to forget about the blog for a few days it might be just what I need for now.

So take care, have fun and I'll be back to normal, hopefully, when life gets back to normal.

Happy celebrating and get lots of reading done!


  1. Happy Christmas Suey! See you when you get back! :)

  2. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas -- enjoy the time with your family!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Suey!

  4. happy celebrating and reading to you, too! I hope you have marvelous Christmas!


  5. I hope you do enjoy a nice break from the blog - it's the perfect time to do it. Hope you have a fabulous Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas friend! Have a GREAT one! :)

  7. I think it is going to be quiet around blog land! Enjoy your holiday and I'll see you when things calm down again.

  8. I hope things settle down a little and you can just enjoy the holidays.

    Thanks for a lovely book club meeting.

  9. Yeah, like I didn't already have the wind out of my sails but Christmas really put a damper on my blogging. :( I hope you had a great Christmas and have a nice relaxing week.
