Sunday, December 16, 2012

Currently: The Hobbit and Andes

C  U  R  R  E  N  T  L  Y

(as written on Sunday afternoon)

Listening: a Pandora station called "classical for studying". I find it very interesting to see what pops up on this!

Eating: Andes mints

Loving: the softly falling snow, how calm and peaceful it is

Reading: nothing much. Started Reached. Started a re-read of Unwind for book club this week, and started a book on my Kindle from NetGalley called What We Saw At Night. I DID finish and review The Hobbit though... before the movie!

Feeling: Tired and overwhelmed 

Watching: The Hobbit! It was awesome. 48 fps was weird and cool at the same time. But more on all that in a post of its own. Also watching lots of Parenthood, into season three now. And tonight, we'll be watching the Survivor finale which is always fun.

I really like Malcolm,but
I'm kinda hoping Lisa wins!
Wanting:  to finish up Christmas shopping and birthday shopping and get to the fun stuff

Thinking: I really need to get the cards mailed out!

Exercising: nope. Stopped again. :( If my shoulder would get better, that would help things a lot!


  1. I'm bummed I missed THE HOBBIT showing with you guys. :( But hooray for PARENTHOOD!

  2. mmm Andes Mints, and The Hobbit--yay!

    I need to try that on Pandora.

    good luck on getting what you want done, I hope you will have the energy and enthusiasm you need to do so.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. L: Thanks for the encouragement! Back at you too, have a great one! :)
