Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Zombies and Angels

I have two more author events to report about.. .both of them at the "other" (Provo) library! The first one included two author appearances as part of the Teen Book Festival.... Susan Beth Pfeffer and Jonathan Mayberry. Everyone (well some anyway) was dressed up as zombies. It was awesome! Both authors had a turn to speak, then they answered questions panel style, then we could get books signed.

Here's Gene, director of the library, in his zombie get up.
 Courtney, who puts on these awesome programs, has her back to us here.

This is what was sitting right in front of me and what I  was privileged to look at the whole time!

Susan Beth Pfeffer and Jonathan Mayberry.
She talked about how she came to write Life As We Knew It ,
how it was her saving grace after she thought she was a total has been.
He talked about his research into supernatural creatures, and the "true" myths behind them.
I found it to be very fascinating.
He also told us the story of getting chopped with a meat cleaver
 while working as Bruce Springsteen's bodyguard.

Getting our book signed.

Getting our book signed.
I told him maybe his book would be the one to once and for all make
 me understand the whole zombie thing. He is certain it will.

Then the next week was another event called Angel's Night Out. It was quite the shindig! (We even had to pay a little bit for this one!) It was a party to celebrate the launch of Finale, the last of the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. Everyone dressed up in formal attire (well some) and mingled for a bit while being served mock-tails and hors d’oeuvre by angel boys (local college/high school boys dressed in black with angel wings.) Then the authors joined us!

Becca Fitzpatrick ..... along with
Kresley Cole, Tonya Hurley, and Elizabeth Miles.
(I have no idea which name goes to which author, except Becca on the far left.)

This is what was in front of me this time! 

Ah, and the star of the show was not the author, but the cover model for Patch!
Everyone that wished to could have their picture taken with him.
We got a good giggle out  of that.
Did we have our picture taken? Nope. 
Here's a better picture of Patch/Drew snagged off the internet because,
I just thought you deserved it!

Also that night Emily (from Emily's Reading Room) presented Courtney with a little picture of the library,
signed by all the local bloggers (and others probably) because sadly, Courtney, the one who has made all
these author events happen, has moved and left us!
Strangely, at this event I did not buy (or bring) a book to be signed! That felt quite weird  but I decided I don't have to do that every time, right?

I went to both events with Jenny from Alternate Readality (these events wouldn't be near as fun without a buddy to go with!) We saw Kami (Kami's Library Thoughts) at the first one (and I can't remember who else) and Emily and Diana (from Book Adventures) at the second one. The blogger attendance was meager this time!

And here's a fun video for you that they showed us at the first event... a zombie music video done by the son of the library director. Watch!

You may be wondering... are the recent deluge of author events over yet? If so, I would tell you... NOPE!


  1. Oh, I love SBP! I read her blog and she is just a funny lady. I've read ROT & RUIN, which was okay. Still need to read the sequel ...

    Glad you had fun with these author events! I'm jealous.

    1. Susan: I must say, she was a bit on the strange side. Funny, yes, but strange.

    2. Ha! She's a crazy cat lady. Eccentric. But I find her absolutely hilarious!

  2. I'm sad I missed the first one. I hate when being sick interrupts fun events!

    I'm also sad I missed Emily giving the picture to Courtney. Oh well. I hope she liked it and felt the love and how much we'll miss her!

    1. Jenni: We missed you! And Courtney was near tears, so I think she felt the love. :)

  3. Looks like fun events! We had the Becca Fitzpatrick tour stop here in AZ, but I wasn't a fan of any of the authors so I didn't go. That's really sweet of you to give that photo to Courtney. Provo really does have some of the best events!

    1. Melissa: I felt pretty weird at that event for many reasons, but one was for sure that I wasn't too interested in the books! But it was fun to be there anyway.

  4. I'm glad I got to go to both of these with you. I still feel bad about the whole work phone crap, though, and I'm not forgetting that I owe 5 bucks. ;)

    1. I totally forgot about the five bucks, so you might as well too! :)

  5. I'm sad I missed Courtney getting her present! I'm really sad she is gone, and I've heard the new lady is not looking good.

  6. Both of those look like they were fun! I need to keep better track of when stuff like this is going on so I can see everyone! And that's sad about Courtney. I didn't know her personally, but I appreciated all she did for the library. I'm sad I missed that. Although I wouldn't have gotten a picture with that book cover guy, either! Did a lot of people?

    1. Kathy: Yes! Come! And yes, a TON of people stood in line for a picture with him. His line was longer than the authors, including Becca. :) It was great!
