Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Fantasy Authors

Today's list over at The Broke and the Bookish is to list our favorite authors in whatever genre we choose. Here's what I've decided on:

My Top Ten Fantasy/Speculative Authors
(at least at this very moment.. right now.)

1. Brandon Sanderson
2. Melina Marchetta
3. Maggie Stiefvater
4. Patrick Rothfuss
5. Erin Morgenstern
6. Dan Wells
7. Neal Shusterman
8. Megan Whalen Turner
9. Patrick Ness
10. Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Hmmm... I could go on..... and I know I've forgotten lots....

What authors would make your list for this genre?


  1. I have Neal Shusterman on my list, too! I have not heard of many of yours on the list, so I am going to have to get cracking!

  2. How did I know Brandon Sanderson would be on that list?! ;) I would agree with you, though.

  3. I haven't read all of those authors, but the ones that I have, I love. Great choices!

  4. I'm not sure if his work is considered pure fantasy, but I love Terry Pratchett. Seriously, his Discworld books (they're not YA, but still pretty clean) are so funny, witty, and strangely charming. His MG/YA series (not sure which class to put it is), the Tiffany Aching books, are also really good but without the social commentary of the adult books.

    1. Sarah: I'm anxious to read some of his stuff.. hasn't happened yet... though I did have one out from the library once awhile back!

  5. I wouldn't know how to answer this question! But I have read (and loved) Morganstern and Zafon.

  6. I just read THE NIGHT CIRCUS and am IN LOVE.

  7. you've introduced me to a new genre and new authors today. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  8. love your qualifier: "at least right now" there are so many good ones out there and apparently a few I need to be better acquainted with seeing your list. Ms. Turner is one I have been meaning to try, at the very least get N started on reading her.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)
