Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Don't Forget!

The prompt today over at The Broke and the Bookish is to list books we hope people won't forget about.

Top Ten Books I Don't Want You to Forget!

  1. Everyone thinks of Middlemarch when they think of George Eliot books, but I don't want you to forget about The Mill on the Floss. 
  2. The Bronte sisters have a handful of books that everyone reads, but I really don't want you to forget about The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Ann. 
  3. Remember when Oprah had a book club and talked about The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski? Don't forget about that one. Keep it on the lists!
  4. We recently read Precious Bane by Mary Webb for book club. I'm thinking most people don't even know about that book!
  5. Don't forget about Anya Seton books, like Katherine and Green Darkness!
  6. I don't hear people talking much about the Inkheart books by Cornelia Funke. Let's not forget them!
  7. The Astonishing Life books (about Octavian Nothing by M.T. Anderson). When thinking amazing YA, don't forget those.
  8. Don't forget that before The Book Thief was I Am the Messenger.... just as awesome if not more, Markus Zusak brilliance.
  9. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. Wow. This is an older book that I "recently" read. Once you've read it, you will NOT forget it!
  10. Maueve Binchy books, like Circle of Friends for starters. We should not forget them either!
Ah, there's so many! I'm sure reading over everyone else's lists will make me say, Oh, yeah!


  1. I didn't like the Inkheart books that much. Inkheart was ok, but the other 2 were dumb. I really liked I Am the Messanger, but I didn't like the sex references.

    1. Kami: I like the middle one fine, but the last one was hard for me to get through. I also agree with your assessment of I Am the Messenger. It bugged me the first time through, but then I got desensitized.

  2. Yay for I am the Messenger! I feel like all people ever talk about is The Book Thief. Yeah, it's amazing but so is I am the Messenger, people!

    Why The Mill on the Floss? I never read the book but the movie just didn't make sense!

    1. Jenny: We talk about more, okay? And I remember loving and being blown away by Mill, but maybe on a re-read I'd wonder why....

    2. Like with Middlemarch? That would be sad. Best not read it again. ;)

  3. Nice to see Anya Seton's books on someone else's list :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  4. oh, my goodness--You are the first person I've come across in my blogging experience that has mentioned Anya Seton. I love her. Green Darkness still haunts my dreams and I read it 40 years ago. Now I'm going to have to buy me a copy and read it again. Loved that book. -nicely done today. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

    1. Kaye: That's the first one I read! What a crazy story! I loved it!

  5. I love Maeve Binchy's books. They're my comfort reads.

    1. Melissa: It's been awhile... like I said, I would love to re-read!

  6. Anya Seton is a great choice - love her!

  7. Your first two are on my Classics Club list. And I totally agree with EDGAR SAWTELL, PRECIOUS BANE, and I AM THE MESSENGER! Now I need to check out THE SPARROW and finally get to the OCTAVIAN NOTHING books. This Top 10 Tuesday lists totally kill my TBR list!

    1. Jessica: I have yet to look over your classics list really well. Let's plan some read alongs, okay?

  8. good list... with a few I have forgotten that I was going to try to read them..!


  9. I'm so scared to pick up I Am The Messenger. The Book Thief melted my face with its awesomeness, and I don't want to be disappointed.

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-tuesday-top-ten-older-books-you.html

  10. And I've only even read one of these!

  11. Inkheart is the BEST! My mom read it aloud to my siblings when we were little and now I can't wait until I can read it to my son. :)
