Monday, October 22, 2012

Reviewing Markus Zusak's Books


To get this Markus Zusak week going, I've asked Melissa, from One Librarian's Book Reviews to gather lots of quotes from reviews about his books and compile them into a post. You can find that post over at her blog today! Please be sure to go and check it out and see all the different ways these books touch all sorts of different readers in all sorts of different ways.

Here's a list of the books that he's written to date, just to get them straight in your mind:

The Underdog, published 1999

Fighting Ruben Wolfe, published 2000

Getting the Girl, published 2001
(published as When Dogs Cry in Australia)

I Am the Messenger, published 2002
(published as The Messenger in Australia)
(Printz Honor 2006)

The Book Thief, published 2005
(Printz Honor 2007)

Underdogs, published 2011
(a compilation of the first three books, The Wolfe Brothers series)

Bridge of Clay, to be published soon hopefully!

Have you read them all? If not, what are you waiting for?


  1. Oh I'm glad you sorted all that out for me, sometimes I got pretty confused - I hate title switches :)

    1. Melissa: I've been confused too, but I think I've got it straight now... hopefully.

  2. I didn't realize he'd written so many books! I haven't read any. *hangs head in shame* Which would you recommend starting with? (that isn't The Book Thief, because I just finished a World War II book & I need a break). Are any of them funny/light reads?

    1. Kathy! You need to read these! I wouldn't characterize any of them as funny/light per se, but THE BOOK THIEF is the heaviest of the bunch. Probably my favorite is I AM THE MESSENGER.

  3. Helpful post! I've read them all except UNDERDOG and FIGHTING RUBEN WOLFE. And those are definitely on the TBR pile. :)

  4. I don't know if you'll still be my friend when I confess that I still haven't read any of his books?! I know, for shame, right?

    (I love the second covers for both I Am the Messenger and The Book Thief.)

    1. Megan: Yep still your friend! BUT.. get to it! :)

  5. I love looking at all the covers for his books. I bet you had a hard time choosing which ones to post.

    1. Jenny: It just makes want to collect them all even more.

  6. It makes me sad that the only one I have left to read is Getting the Girl!

    1. Melissa: It's a good one though, but I know what you mean. I'm so anxious for another one to come to us!

  7. I'm obsessed with him and his books. That last paragraph of Getting the Girl gets to my heart every time I read it. I Am the Messenger is my favorite though, right next to The Book Thief. I was just thinking today how crazy it s that
    the Book thief has been on the NYT bestsellers list for years!!!! (I told you I'm obsessed :-)

    1. Yamille: Yay for the obsessed! Love that it's been on the list for so long. Awesome!

  8. I read (and LOVED) The Book Thief. I then read The Messenger and was horribly disappointed. So I'm not sure where I am with him. I guess I need a tie-breaker read.

    1. Jenners: What didn't you like about it? Too cheesy? Angsty? The crazy ending? I know some were bugged by that...

  9. What a great idea! I need to read another Zusak book, and I am thinking it will be The Messenger. What do you think?
