Sunday, October 28, 2012

Currently: TV Talk and More!


(as written on Saturday evening)

Listening: oh, well, so I was just browsing Youtube and suddenly found myself listening to a Johnny Depp interview. I have no idea why, but that's what's on while I write this!

Eating:  In and Out Burger this evening. It was good. Tomorrow the college kids are coming for dinner, so I have plans for a nice one. We'll see.

Loving: all the author signings I've been to lately! I will post this week on more! Wow, but it's been crazy around here!

Reading: The Twelve by Justin Cronin. Wow. It's good in parts, and hard in parts. But, it's been my book for a whole week. It's taking me too long!  I need to read a bunch of fast easy books!

Feeling: great that the Halloween costumes are done! I thought I was all done with this phase of life, but the kids wanted to dress up for school and so yes, we did costumes. Both from video games.

Watching: So, I've been watching lots and lots of TV... lots and lots of catching up! Several episodes into Revenge. Loving that. And now I've started Parenthood... what? Oh my goodness, great show so far. I've watched one or two Buffy's and a couple new Merlin's on YouTube and still trying to keep up with the new Downton Abbeys (found on this Facebook page guys, just in case you want to) and all caught up with Once Upon a Time, Amazing Race, Survivor and Vampire Diaries. Whew. I'm telling you, this TV thing... I don't know....

Wanting: time to slow down, as always, so Christmas won't come as fast as it usually does. Sound like a plan?

Needing: a way to motivate myself to get exercising again. Suggestions?

Thinking: that Markus Zusak week was fun, but I'll be glad to get back to normal posting this week. Anyway, I hope you were able to catch some of the awesome guest posts I featured! Thank you to everyone that participated!

Enjoying: a very lazy Saturday today.... and despite that, I even managed to clean out the bird cage!


  1. Hi!
    I love these kind of posts! AND I LOVE the show Merlin. New season supposed to be early next year I think. Parenthood is soo good, I alternate between crying and laughing :)

    1. Elizabeth... I love Merlin too... so so much. And I don't know when that new season officially starts, but the episodes are showing up on YouTube now.. full episodes. It's awesome. And Parenthood... lots of crying for me.

  2. I relate to your watching lots and lots of TV shows so much. :)

    1. Pepca: It's fun and terrible at the same time!

  3. Hope you have fun with the kids coming home! I had plans to attend author signings, but with end of term on Friday, I've been a nut job! :( Talk about sad. I finally finished the last of my grading yesterday after a six hour stint. I'm not settling in to read some more and can't wait! Happy weekend. :)

    1. Becky: We had a great time with the kids! It would be so fun to see you at some author signings! Come sometime! :)

  4. What has kept me exercising is paying for runs and telling people about them. The money plus making myself accountable has kept me going during the times I feel like letting a lull overtake me.

    1. Carl: I'm thinking a competition with my husband.... hmmm....and I USED to pay to exercise (Curves) but I quit and now... it's starting to show...

  5. Isn't Parenthood good! I really like that show, though some of the issues they have to deal with break your heart!

    1. Melissa: Yes, loving it! And yes, some hard, yet real, issues.
