Sunday, October 7, 2012

Currently: October!


(as written on Sunday afternoon)

Listening: the TV.... conference is over for a moment, and now there's political talk going on the TV. 

Eating: going to make more pumpkin cookies to take to the family gathering this evening. Lots and lots of cookies. But, we did have Hootenanny Pancakes this morning:

Loving:  that my daughter is home from the Shakespeare competition and  that she had fun and survived her first school trip experience and all is well!

Reading: Feedback by Robison Wells. Enjoying it. It stresses me out though. Read and finished Sulan this weekend too (by Camille Picott) which also stressed me out. I need a relaxing book!

Feeling: clean, just out of the shower!

Watching: Revenge (though not at this very moment) I've been catching up on season 1, watching two and three episodes at time the past few days. Good intense stuff. Loving Jack. :)

Wanting: to figure out how to make an Ezio costume for my son, the kid who never wants to dress up, but really wants to this year:

Needing: to write a ton of reviews. I don't usually get too behind, and... I'm behind.

Thinking: about book signings! Two big ones this week. Monday Maggie Stiefvater and Wednesday Lois Lowry. Fun, yes? 

Enjoying: Muse the 2nd Law.... especially Chris singing in this song:

What's going on with you this weekend? Anything you are currently doing that you'd like to share?


  1. I'll be at the Lois Lowry signing! I'll see you there! I love that your son wants to be the guy from Assassin's Creed. Good luck with that costume. What you call Hootenanny Pancakes, I call German Pancakes.

    1. Kami: Yep, German pancakes. I've no idea why we started calling them Hootenanny. For fun I guess!

  2. I'll be at Lois Lowry, which you know of course. ;) And, I also love that song on the new Muse album. It's really cool to have a song sung my someone other than Matthew Bellamy.

    1. Oh, I'll also be at the Maggie Stiefvater signing tomorrow. I'm SO excited! :D

  3. Lois Lowry is going to be here in Arizona on Wednesday. I'll be on Lake Powell that day, so I'll miss her. Bummer. She would have been a fun one to see. I'll just look forward to your report from her Utah signing instead :)

    1. Susan: But... Lake Powell is pretty awesome too!

  4. Did you catch Muse on SNL last night? You have got a couple of great signings coming on this week; very exciting.

    1. Lisa: Nope, I don't watch SNL... were they so very awesome? What song did they sing?

  5. I love Revenge! My friends and I gathered to watch the season finale and the latest premiere. I'm a Nolan fan. ;)

    1. Kate: Yes, Nolan is growing on me. Not sure yet what he is all about, but he makes me smile.

  6. Great post! I did my own version over at my blog


  7. those signings sound exciting. and good luck w/ the costume creation! I think this will be the first year N has shown zero interest in costumes--which worries me that we will have to come up with something even more last minute than usual.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. L: Not sure it's going to work out to his high standard, but we'll see.
