Thursday, October 4, 2012

Book Review: Endenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

Book: Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson
Genre: Romance
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For: Fun (Support Local Authors)
From: I bought this one recently from Amazon

I've seen lots of bloggers rave about this one these past few months. So I finally gave in, though I knew it would be an easy sale for me! Especially since I knew I was in the mood for a book such as this!

The story is about Marianne who was sent to live with her grandma in Bath after her mother died and her dad needed time to regroup. Her twin sister was sent to live with family (or friends) in London. Now it's a year later and her sister is coming to spend the summer at a country estate called Edenbrooke and has invited Marianne to join her.

Marianne is ecstatic and looks forward to a wonderful change of scenery. She's sick of the city and longs for the countryside. Even though she knows her sister overshadows her in everything they do, she has missed her and looks forward to being together again.

Well, there's a mishap on the way there, and Marianne finds herself confronting quite the unsavory situation. Suddenly, there's a dapper dashing guy on the scene who helps her to get control of things and who she unwillingly feels herself drawn to.

Of course, when she does arrive at Edenbrooke, can you guess who she finds there?

And so it goes from there, romance, misunderstandings, and conflicts  Good guys and bad guys. Dances and dinners, painting and picnics. Flirting and flirting and more flirting! Such a fun, sweet, clean and happy romance! A perfect book for when you are in the mood for light and gentle.

Bottom line: I loved it. I need more like this. I hope this is just the beginning for this author.

Other Reviews:

There are a few silly or cheesy parts and it's fairly predictable but overall I still enjoyed every minute of reading it. From Good Clean Reads

I read it in one evening in one sitting. The next morning, I reread a delightful scene near the beginning and ended up rereading the entire book. I. Have. Never. Done. That. From The Bluestocking Society

The fact that his relationship with Marianne is completely clean doesn’t detract from the palpable sexual tension. Believe me, sometimes smoldering stares, longing glances and hand clasping IS hotter. From Book Harbinger

I kept reading the same paragraphs over and over again, relishing seeing the HEA but hardcore dreading seeing the story come to an end. The warm fuzzies abounded. From The Allure of Books

Donaldson has indeed written a romance that is in the flavor of Austen without being heavy-handed in its homage. From The Brazen Bookworm


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! The characters were so fabulous in this, I'm smiling just thinking about them.

  2. It's so great hah! I've given it to like 4 people as gifts and recommended it to at 1east a dozen. I thought it was going to be silly fan fiction but I became very absorbed in the dialogue and romance. Love it!

  3. It was OK...I missed the fussy language associated with regency romances. But easy and fun.

  4. Sounds like a good summer read. I'd have to be in the right mood for it.

  5. I loved, loved this one too! I hope she writes lots more!

  6. Yay! I'm so glad you loved it. It is just a fun and romantic (and clean) read.

  7. I really need to read this one. I could use a light happy romance about now.

  8. Okay, you've convinced me. ;) I had seen this one around and hadn't thought I would be able to get into it, but your review said I at least need to try it! So thanks Suey, you totally just added to my tbr pile! :)

    1. Kara: Awesome! I love it when I do that! :)
