Friday, September 21, 2012

Where In The World Are You Reading.... While Waiting?

It's time for another installment of Where In the World Are You Reading? a monthly meme hosted by Trish, Lisa and Kailana. The theme for the month is... Waiting! You can head on over to Lisa at Books. Lists. Life. to see where people read while they wait.

As for me....

I read while waiting for the day to start
or the night to begin.

I read while waiting for the kids to come home
or jump in the car for a ride.

I read while waiting in a waiting room
or a for a movie to begin
or a play to start.

I read while riding in a car to get somewhere
and sometimes I even read right in the middle of the afternoon while waiting to get some energy back.

I read while waiting
for dinner to cook
clothes to wash
and the house to get clean.

I read some books while waiting for other books to be released!

It would be safe to say that I'm reading pretty much while waiting to do anything.

How about you? Where do you read and wait?


  1. That is how I use to read, but somewhere along the way my reading moments shifted. I've become stuck in the thinking that I need to read for longer periods of time or not at all. This post, Suesy, is good a reminder to me to not wait for those long periods of go back to the reading in between all the moments of activity even if for only a couple of pages.

  2. You're better than me. I read when I feel like it and that's about it...Thankfully I feel like read a lot. ;)

  3. I read about like u do. Have a book with me ALL the time. Read while waiting at Doctor's, or in a line, before i go to sleep at night, is when i get the longest time in. You never know when the time will present itself, be ready with a book!!

  4. I try and read at every possible opportunity, especially when waiting! Thank heavens for my Kindle, my iPhone, audio books, and regular books. I can have a variety of books with me at all times!

  5. I pretty much always have a book with me so that I can read at any given opportunity. If I'm waiting in the car for my wife to run into the store, waiting at an appointment, have a minute or two free for any reason whatsoever. Heck, I've taken books into eye appointments and read with the book pressed right up against my face to counteract the effects of the eye dilation from the drops given for the exam. When you love something with this kind of passion it is hard to be parted from it for any significant length of time.

  6. Everywhere anytime. I went to family dinner last night, and I went outside to read while the family talked among themselves. I was waiting to go home. A personal rule of mine is to always take a book everywhere you go. You never know when you're going to need it.

  7. I read while waiting for movies and plays to start some times too. Glad I'm not the only one!

  8. I had a nice long siege of reading on the subway Saturday. It helped to iron out some bumps in my reading life I'd been experiencing.

  9. I seriously considered applying for a job clear across town just because it would have meant I would be on a bus and I could read while I rode to work. Some people might say we have a problem but we know we're in good company!

  10. I'm especially fond of the "reading while I wait for other books to be released." I read any chance I get :)

  11. I read while waiting for the same things! I guess the reading habits of bookish people are pretty similar.

    I, too, like "reading while waiting for other books to be released." Ha! I think we're all guilty of that one now and then! ;)

  12. I love that you read while you're waiting for other books to be released. Fun interpretation!

  13. Maybe I should go hop in bed with my book and wait for my bloggiesta energy to come back. ;) Love this Suey--thank you as always for participating! This was a fun topic this month.
