Sunday, September 16, 2012

Currently: A Journal Post

Saw this journaling idea on Pinterest the other day, and so I thought I'd use it for my Sunday posts for awhile and see how it goes, see what I think, and see what you think. Okay? It's very similar to the other format, but different. Maybe easier, I don't know. And of course, I've modified some words!

(as written on Saturday night)

Listening: to a football game, by default. It's on but I'm not really listening/watching. I got into football once upon a time when I could march at halftimes and/or play in pep bands and such, but now... meh... even when it's the big rival game!

Eating: We went out for curry today! And then had leftover tiramisu cake from Costco. Yum.

Loving: this teaser video by Josh Groban for his upcoming next album. Watch it, it's only 17 seconds. What silly guy!

Reading: I started A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness today. Wasn't sure if this one could count as a RIP read, but I'm thinking not. I don't know how to categorize this book! Also started a re-read of A Handmaid's Tale for book club.

Feeling: Tired, and coughy and headachy... had a cold this week. The tickle lingers. I hate that.

Watching: I watched a Spanish movie last night called Under the Same Moon. Very good, but the ending left me wanting. And it was a bit depressing actually too. I'm anxious to watch more Teen Wolf, and to keep going with Buffy and to get started with some fall shows.

Wanting: to figure out how to fight the food/fat fight, as always

Needing: more time to read, as always.

Thinking: that it's crazy that I've been working for four years now. Wow, time flies. Also thinking I may have a Pinterest revival.. have given it a break, but I might be in the mood again.

Enjoying: the beginning of fall weather, though it was a bit hot again today. The mountains are looking beautiful these days! I can't wait for it to REALLY be fall. I saw the first pile of pumpkins at the store today. Almost took a picture, but refrained. It makes me sad we never actually planted our own this year. Oh, well.

How's life for you all these days?


  1. There can never be enough reading time.

  2. Some kind of game is usually on in my house too, so I wind up listening by default as I'm reading or online. Think I need to reread A Handmaids Tale myself, as I remember being deeply moved by the story, and a little worried.

    Sorry to hear you're still feeling under the weather. Hope you bounce back soon!

    1. Alexia: The Handmaid's Tale IS a little worrisome!

  3. Oooh, tickly coughs at the end of a cold are the worst. I think they are the yuckiest part of the cold.

    What a super idea to journal like this for a here and now look into life. It does give that glimpse that makes journaling authentic.

    Take that photo of the pumpkins. Post it. Share fall with those of us craving it... I love the way the sunlight changes in fall, the cast of the sun, the smell of the leaves, the cool in the morning air. Can you bottle some please??

    Sending you time to read.....

  4. I've been really enjoying the cooler temps this past week and thinking of fall, after the hot, hot summer we had is making me very happy. Saw a big pile of pumpkins, too, last night at Sam's. Really wanted to get one - they were huge! - but it did seem a bit premature for that.

    1. Lisa: The pumpkins I saw were huge too! What's up with that! I can't wait to buy one...

  5. I hate the tickle, too! Glad you are feeling better, though.

  6. I'm eager for the real fall to start too. Hope you feel better soon and find more time to read.

  7. Gah!!! You didn't tell me the Josh video wasn't showing up! He's back now. Go watch. :)

  8. A Monster Calls is on my list of books to day. Yup--the big game. Lots of cousins on facebook making a big to-do about it. I always felt a little left-out being one of the few non-Utah cousins.

    Mmm. Fall. I had hoped to make it out to Salt Lake to visit Gardner Village again this year because I loved it so much last year but I don't think I'll be able to fit it in.

    Hope your tickle doesn't linger too long!

    1. Trish: It was a crazy game with a crazy ending! I will have to try to get to Gardner village myself. Never even been there!

  9. Fall in Provo is so beautiful. I'm jealous. My husband wanted to drive up there this weekend just to enjoy the cooler weather and beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, real life got in the way, so we're stuck here in (still) hot, (still) brown, (still) summery Arizona. Boo!

  10. nice layout.. and very funny Josh Groban video. I the onset of fall and even fall itself--except for the rotting stuff. bleh.


    1. L: Thanks for indulging me and actually watching the video! He cracks me up.
