Friday, September 14, 2012

BBAW 2012: Wrap!

I've really enjoyed this week's BBAW celebration! It was so very low key and simple, which was especially nice this time around.

Just a couple of little highlights:

** I got to know Jackie all over again.

** Bay State Reader commented on my blog yesterday and said that if I liked The Forstye Saga, I would also really enjoy a series of books called The Spoils of Time, so I've added that to my list of book wishes.

** Adam was another frequent commenter I had a lot this week and so I've been lurking on his blog a bit and then I found out he does this thing called The Classics Club, with a bunch of other bloggers, which I'd sort of heard of but not clicked on and not really absorbed and now.. sheesh... I just think I might have to do it! But first, I guess I have to come up with a massive list. Oh, boy.

** I met a spanking brand new blogger named Kara, so new in fact that she wasn't really participating in BBAW (since she only started blogging this every week!), but I'm counting it anyway since she has been my only commenter so far today! :)

** My favorite day was the "rah rah" moments we were all feeling on day three with our posts of what book blogging means to us. That was awesome!

** Yeah, it's been fun! Let's do it again!

And now, let's get geared up for Bloggiesta! Have you signed up yet? :)


  1. Wow, I sort of wished I'd participated but it wasn't even on my radar. :( There's so many book bloggers out there, though. It overwhelms me, you know?

  2. Day 3 was GREAT. Community is what it is all about.

    I found so many great blogs including yours and more wonderful books. This was my first time participating.

    I got to know new bloggers and got to know my old blogger friends even better.

    It is has been a fabulous week. I loved it all.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my Day 3, 4, and 5 responses if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

  3. It's been so much fun this week! I was glad to meet up with old blogging buddies and meet new ones. The interviews were awesome as always. I hope you have a great weekend, Suey!

  4. Wow! Only my first week, and I got mentioned! Thanks for the nod Suey. Very sweet of you. The book blogging community looks like an awesome place! I'm so glad to be here! :) And definitely glad to meet more book lovers.

  5. I don't think I've ever been mentioned on a blog before either! I'm excited! I hope you do enjoy the trilogy by Penny Vincenzi, starting with No Angel, if you get around to reading it. I went a little crazy over her at the time, and read a lot of her other books, but haven't liked any of the others quite as much. - Laurie (Bay State Reader's Advisory)

  6. hmmm. Adam's does look like a great blog; already he added to my tbr with his rec of Under the Poppy.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  7. This was such a fun week of blogging. I'm so excited to have discovered so many new (to me) blogs.

    Tanya Patrice

  8. Such a great week! Am still working my way through the posts as I don't want to miss anything, but really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere this year. Don't miss the awards at all! And yes, I'm already making my plans for Bloggiesta! :)

  9. I am lol @ your comment about the classics club because I feel the same way. When I was posting Adam's post, I was like ahhhh this is pretty dang cool!
