Thursday, September 13, 2012

BBAW 2012: Read This Book!

Whenever we are asked to push a book we think no one has heard about or one we feel needs more love (as we are today for the BBAW prompt,) I'm always stumped. I'm pretty sure that every book I've read and loved, you, at least some of you, or most of you, have also. But after some thinking, I've finally decided to promote an old classic that I know you've heard of, but my guess is, most of you haven't yet read. No doubt, you've seen me mention this one before, as it often ends up on my Top Ten lists, but now I'm taking the chance to talk it up a little more.

The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy

If you love Downton Abbey, you'll love this book.
If you love sweeping family sagas, you'll love this book.
If you love books in a series, you'll love this book.
If you love period dramas, you'll love this book.
If you love stories filled with all sorts of carryings on, you'll love this book!

This book, commonly known as The Forstye Saga is actually made up of three books, a trilogy of sorts. They are: The Man of Property, In Chancery and To Let. They were written between 1906 and 1921. There's also a trilogy sequel called A Modern Comedy, and then even yet another sequel called End of the Chapter, also made up of a trilogy. Thus, this whole story is actually a trilogy of trilogies! I know!

It's all about a couple of families and their interactions with each other, their loves and hates, their money and property and houses, the spinster aunts and the endearing grandpas. Then they have kids, and the story then follows all THEIR loves and hates, and etc. It takes place in England starting during the late 1800's and into the early 1900's.

Now, the author himself I know nothing about, but he actually won the Nobel Prize for Literature for this book in 1932. Wow! Way to go John! Who knew? :) And in looking him up, I guess he wrote a gazillion things. So, why don't we talk about him more? Why is he not a Charles Dickens or Jane Austen, an Anthony Trollope or Elizabeth Gaskell? Good question. I say, he deserves more attention!

And so I say, if you haven't read this series (even if it's just the first trilogy in the trilogy) the time is now.

Once you are done with reading it, then you'll have the lovely experience of watching the Masterpiece Theater mini series. There's two seasons and I think it covers the whole of the first book (or...trilogy.) And it's simply wonderful. I'm telling you, just like Downton Abbey in its look and feel.

Here's a teaser:

I've only read the first volume...I think I had the second one in my hand at one time, but never quite managed it. Anyway, I remember while reading that first one (which was back in 2007, I looked it up, and sadly it was just before I started blogging about books!)  I was so caught up in it that it was all I could think about. Then I watched the show and things got even worse! Completely obsessed I tell you.

So now I must know... have you read it? Watched it? If not, does this make you want to? Even a little bit? Lucky for you, it's free online, nearly free on Kindle, and the show is on Netflix. So, what are you waiting for?


  1. As you predicted, I've heard of it, but never read it... and your post TOTALLY makes me want to! :-) If it's as good as you say it is then your question about why it's not more well known is really interesting... Dickens isn't really for everyone and he's known by everyone so why do some other authors remain unknown? A great topic for a separate blog post I think!
    - Joanna @

    1. Joanna: I will have to ponder this topic for another post... hmmmm...

  2. I kept reading your "If you like..." and thinking Yes, Yes YES! But this one hasn't hit my radar at all! Will definitely be on the lookout.

    1. Trish: When you are in the mood for another one of those epic classic read alongs... this would be a good one....

  3. I've never heard of this one either, but now, thanks to you, I want to read it. Not like go-out-and-get-it-right-this-very-second, but like I'll-add-it-to-my-TBR-list-and-grab-it-from-the-library-sometime. Thanks for the rec!

    1. Susan: Yes, save it for when you are really in the mood for an epic saga... no rushing allowed!

  4. I watched the 2002 miniseries a few years ago and loved it. Still haven't read the book, but it does keep creeping up higher on my to-read list, so there is still hope! I'd like to watch the older miniseries too... but not until I read the book.

    1. Denise: Hopefully it will reach the top of the pile one day!

  5. What a great book to highlight today! I haven't read it, but I've heard of it. It reminds me of a soap opera. One of these days I will definitely get to it and give it a try.

    1. Literary: It is totally soap opera material.

  6. Oh, man, I LOVE Downton Abbey but I'm not a fan of books in series... especially a series of series! What to do...what to do...?!

    1. Adam: Here's what you do... think of it as just the one book, since it comes altogether that way anyway.. and don't worry about those other sequels.. different stories altogether. So see... JUST ONE BOOK! :)

  7. I am actually feeling a desire to read this one! I need to have more classics in my reading and you have convinced me that this is one I should read. Even if it's the first...trilogy :)

    1. Melissa: See my comment above to Adam... think of it as just one book. Does that help? :)

  8. I love the Forsyte Saga! I watched the miniseries first (which is why I love anything that Rupert Graves is in, and have a hard time with anything in which Damian Lewis is the good guy). I read the book (or first three books, whatever) a few years ago, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed them too! I usually have a tough time with literature from that period, but for some reason The Forsyte Saga was just fine.

    1. Fyrefly: Yes, I agree... this one is a much easier read than some of these sorts of books are. And Damian Lewis makes a most wonderful bad guy!

  9. I haven't ever read this one, although I do remember it being on Masterpiece. For the life of me I don't remember watching it; my parents must have. I have wondered about this one. Thanks for giving me the nudge!

    1. Lisa: Awesome! I hope it's enough of a nudge for you to really try it sometime!

  10. I have not heard of said Saga... but I do love Downton Abbey and you have me curious. thanks for sharing it.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. L: Do look into it sometime. I think you especially would love it. :)

  11. I love all the things on your list, so I've got to read this, apparently. I've heard of the TV series, but haven't seen it. Looking forward to both!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. Joy: Let me know when you do and how it goes!

  12. This one still infuriates me! I only watched the movie and bad casting ruined it, I say!

    1. Jenny: I was trying to remember what your issue was with this one...what bad casting? You don't like the Damien dude as the bad guy, right? And I think he's perfect!

  13. Sounds Wonderful...thanks.

    Hope you had a fun day!!

    Silver's Reviews

  14. Oh, yes! Loved The Forsyte Saga, both the books and the mini-series. If you haven't read The Spoils of Time trilogy by Penny Vincenzi yet, you must!!! (Starts with No Angel)

  15. I've been meaning to read this for a long time. I just went and bought it for my kindle. Thanks for the reminder!
