Monday, September 10, 2012

BBAW 2012: Appreciating Book Bloggers

Wow! Time again for a week of blog appreciation fun! Are you ready? I'm ready!

Today's topic from Book Blogger Appreciation Week central is to list blogs that we appreciate. As I say every single year... how hard is this? Let me say it again... VERY hard! There's so many.  Last year I made categories and this year, I'm going to it again. Here goes:

Blogs that make me smile and BE HAPPY!
(These blogs are full of fun personality! )

Inside a Book
Alternate Readality
Polishing Mud Balls
Read This Instead
Kami's Library Thoughts

Blogs that make me want to DO THINGS!
(They always have something going on, challenges, read alongs, etc. which make me want to get doing something... either that or every book they review makes me want to run out and read it right now!)

Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity
The Written World
Stainless Steel Droppings

Blogs that make me wish I were SMARTER!
(These blogs are full of very thoughtful, very smart reviews and other observations about life. Makes me wish my blog was a bit more.. smart.)

Rebecca Reads
Bloggin' 'bout Books
The Bluestocking Society
Stella Matutina

And to all the rest of you, I LOVE YOU TOO! :) You are all wonderful. I wish I could comment more. Happy BBAW to you all.


  1. What a great list of blogs! A lot are new to me and so I'm sure I'll enjoy investigating them. I especially need more blogs that make me smile :-)

  2. I like how you broke them up! Happy BBAW!

  3. OMG!!! I'm so glad my blog is fun and makes you happy!!! My day has been MADE!!! And it's still early. It's going to be a good day.

  4. Thank you so much for the mention! That makes the start of this Monday so much better! :)

  5. I am going to check out a few of those!

    Here is my BBAW: Appreciation post.

  6. Totally agree about Angie's blog. She always calls me to action! And, of course, Kami's. :)

  7. Lol. I'm delighted I make you DO THINGS!! So much better than, say, making you fall asleep . . .


  8. Aww. Thank you for the mention. Your blog is one of my very favorites and has been for years! Your reviews and posts are so friendly and approachable. I wish my reviews had a little more of that.

  9. What a great list. I love how you broke them down into categories.
    I am new to your wonderful blog and enjoyed my visit.
    Have a gr8 rest of the BBAW week <3
    BBAW Day 1

  10. Love your categories - blogs with personality always fascinate me, because I don't have much in mine :)

  11. One Librarian's Book Reviews said this about your blog and I so agree: "I love reading Suey's blog for her eclectic taste and unique voice."

    i like your categories. and thanks for including me on your list.

    i was saying in another's comments that this week will be spent exploring some of the favorites making these monday bbaw lists! i'm looking forward to meeting some great new-to-me blogs/bloggers.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  12. Awww, thanks for the mention, Suey! If I had been on the ball enough to participate in today's BBAW prompty, your blog would have been on my list, too. I love how you broke your list up into categories and included some of my old favorites as well as others I've never heard of. I'm definitely going to be checking them out.

  13. Yay! New blogs! I only know a couple of these! Time for more exploring!

  14. Great list of bloggers! I follow several of them already, and am excited to discover some more great, new-to-me bloggers!

  15. I like how you broke up the categories. I'm with you on those blogs that make you want to be smarter. ;) Thanks for the love!

  16. Polishing Mud Balls is a GREAT blog (and she's a great blogger/person, too). Glad to see some recognition for her work.

    Most of these, however, are new to me - so I'm off to "meet" them!

    Happy BBAW!

  17. Thanks for the comments one and all! I hope you go read these blogs and love them like I do. :)

  18. Thanks Suey! I love blogs that make me want to be smarter. I know a couple of those, but I'll have to check out the rest. :)

  19. I lovelovelove the idea of appreciating people by category! I may have to do the same next year.

    I'm flattered to be listed with the smart folks, too. Thank you!

  20. Well, my mom always told me that I was full of spit and vinegar so I'm glad that I have gotten a little better - - You really are too kind for those kind words.

    I tried to comment the other day but my iPad and blogger are having issues. Isn't that just the way things go when I try to do something nice and say "thank you" ???

    Thanks for inspiring me and helpng me feel connected to what's happenin' in this interconnected blogosphere. You rock!!
