Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Where in the World Are You Reading: My Library!

The prompt this month for Where in the World Are You Reading, the new monthly meme brought to us by TrishKelly and Lisa is Library... with this month's link ups over at The Written World.

As you may know by now, I have two libraries that I love. But for this post I'd like to highlight the one that I work at... the one I've been supporting for years and years... the one that is truly "my" local library.....Orem Public Library! So one day, I walked around and took a bunch of pictures and here's what I have to share:

The approach! This whole side that you see is the "new" wing which was added in 1995.. I was there for the ribbon cutting! A very exciting day! The old wing is to the left a bit of this picture. This new wing houses the children's books. Before, all the children's books were crammed in the dark and dreary basement. What a difference now!
This is the view through the bottom of the new wing, across the stacks of the picture books, you can see the  famous stained glass window way in the far distance.

This is the "little kid" corner.. I know it has a more official name, but forget.
Anyway, some storytimes for the babies take place in this corner.

Here's just half of the famous window.

Downstairs in Media is an awesome CD collection.....

.... and DVD collection. These two pictures show only a very small fraction!

You can walk between the two library wings using the bridge shown here,
or go outside through the garden as I'm doing to take the picture.

Abe recently joined the ranks... and we've already had a patron complain that he's here!
They don't believe in his politics, so they wanted him OUT!!
I've shared this one before, but here's the view from my desk.
And another view of Abe!

The non-fiction stacks. Notice the new lighting! That happened in the most recent remodel.

And here's my sister (who was along for the picture taking fun) enjoying the little boy statue ,
just as all the little kids do when checking out books!
I can't even begin to guess how many kids have climbed on him!

Stuff I've loved about this library over the years:

  • summer reading program
  • local author appearances
  • The Big Read and Orem Reads (including free copies of the book)
  • puppet shows
  • checking out CDs and movies (we were there when they first got CDs and thought it was the COOLEST thing ever!)
  • book club sets
  • participating in a blog panel!
  • storytime when my kids were really little
  • awesome fun programs
  • artsy performances
  • big name author appearances
  • the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival
  • TONS and TONS of books!!
I remember thinking a few years ago, that I come to the library so often, wouldn't it be cool if I could come and actually get paid for it? In a few weeks, it will be four years since that dream came true for real. Lucky lucky me!

And that's my library. If you find yourself in the neighborhood, come say hi!!


  1. I've never been to the Orem library, but I went inside the Provo one for the first time this summer. Wow! It's so big. I love it. Lucky you to have such awesome libraries nearby.

    1. Susan: What's especially cool is how different they both are. Complimentary of each other.

  2. It's such a beautiful library! Why is it not so in England? I wish we had that kind of collections here....

    1. Beth Dean: You have the British Library! The LIBRARY of all libraries! :)

  3. What an amazing library! We lived in Orem years and years ago when we were newly married and college students, but I'm sad to say I never once visited the Orem library. Wish I had!

    1. Gayle: That's exactly when we started going.. 25 years ago... and discovered the CDs!

  4. Ah. Sigh. I love the Orem Library and miss it so.

  5. I also am missing Orem Library - my love of reading grew up there with me.

    1. Melissa: Ah... cool though. We miss you too!

  6. What a great post! Love seeing the pictures of your library, thanks so much for sharing them. It looks like an amazing place. The children's area is nice and open and light, just what it should be. LOVE that stained glass window. Wow!!!

    1. Carl: Glad you enjoyed it! The pictures of the window don't do it justice, that's for sure.

  7. Lol! Someone actually complained about Abe? Sheesh! Great pictures, btw.

    1. Jenny: Patrons will complain about nearly everything. They keep things interesting that's for sure! Poor Abe though. I quite like him!

  8. Wow I'm seriously envious. That's a truly beautiful library

  9. I love this Suey!!! I've only seen the Salt Lake library (which itself very swoon worthy) and I'm impressed by how big the Orem library is. I especially love the little boy statue. As I was driving in our "downtown" yesterday headed to the library I noticed a little statue in a park of three kids reading. Will have to take another stop another day to shoot a picture of it.

    So funny about Abe! I would have never thought someone would complain about that. To me he seems so much more than a political figure.

    Thanks for sharing with us. ;)

  10. I didn't know you worked in a library! Like you, I've always wanted to. I love that stained glass window, it's incredible!

  11. What an awesome library! It's so ... BIG! I may have drooled a bit looking at the pictures ...

    How awesome to work there! And it's so pretty from the outside, too. I love my local library. They're expanding right now, so I'm pretty excited to see the finished product!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Your enthusiasm is great, it's true, lucky you!!! ^_^

    Here you can find the post about my Library:


  13. I love the stained glass window!!!
