Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Utah Book Month Blogger Interview: Jessica from Books: A True Story

Today I'd like to introduce to you Utah book blogger, Jessica from Books: A True Story!

About herself she says: Besides reading, I love to play the piano, the guitar, and video games. I’m a tech nerd and I love to keep up on the latest in cool gadgets. I don’t always buy the latest and greatest gadgets, but I do know everything about them. (See more here at her About page.)

And here are the questions I've asked her so we can get to know her even better:

1. It seems like we always like to start these things out by asking how you got started blogging about books. What's been your inspiration? And what's your most favorite thing about it so far?

 My sister actually got me into blogging.  She does a fitness blog and she loves blogging.  I kept telling her I had nothing to blog about…the only thing I like is books…oh, I could write a blog about books.  My favorite thing so far is the community.  I knew that I wasn't the only person to think of writing a book blog, but I didn't realize that there was such a close-knit community for a long time.  I have loved meeting fellow bloggers, new authors at book signings and just talking to tons of people about books!

2. What is your most favorite book by a Utah author?

 Everneath by Brodi Ashton.  I love how she did something new with Greek mythology.  Plus I have a soft spot for sad stories.

3. What's the best book you've read so far this year?

 I'm going to pick Life of Pi by Yann Martel because I just finished it and it's on my mind.  It was very thought provoking and had the best surprise ending ever.

4. What authors, dead or alive, would you like to meet and talk to?

  Oh that's so hard…but I'd love to take a train ride through Europe with J.K. Rowling and just talk about books.

5. Which story would you like to read yourself into? 

 Harry Potter.  I would love to live in the world of Harry Potter.  Go to school, learn everything I possible could, see Hogwarts.  When Voldy is not running around, it seems like a very charming and tame world.

6. What do you do in your "real life" when you are not blogging?  

I like to spend time with my kids (especially building legos), watch Sherlock and Once upon a Time with my husband, and I love to cook.  Well, technically I just love eating so cooking is a means to that end.  Asian is my favorite and I make a mean Cashew Chicken and a new favorite of mine is Roasted Cauliflower Curry.

7. I see you have a lot of fun blog projects and features going on, now's your chance to promote them! 

My favorite posts on my blog are my Google Diaries.  I have always loved searching things when I have questions from a book and it's ten times more fun to share it with everyone.  I just finished one for Life of Pi and I'm working on one for Shadow and Bone.

In front of the Tower Bridge in London

8. You've done lots of traveling.... what's the BEST place you've been? 

London. I could live there.  They have awesome museums, huge libraries, charming people, plays, culture, and the best subway (aka the Tube) system I have ever ridden on.  I refuse to live outside of Utah, but if the opportunity came to live in London I'd be gone in a second.

9. One of my favorite questions to ask... what would your perfect day be like?

I would love to spend it somewhere I've never been.  I have the travel bug.  I would read a book outside and my kids would run around like the cute, wild, screaming kiddies that they are.  And my husband would chase them while I just sat and watched how adorable my family is.  That would be heaven.

10. Favorites

Food: anything Asian
Band: Nickel Creek
Movie: so hard…but it has to be Return of the Jedi
Candy Bar: Take 5 (with the pretzels and peanut butter…yum)
Villain: Darth Vader
Place to read: anywhere outside
Animal: Hamster
TV Show: Downton Abbey

Thanks so much to Jessica for participating! She truly has a most awesome blog!

And now, all the ways you can find her:


Now go and follow! :)


  1. Great interview, Suey! And, way to take the reins.

    Jessica, Everneath is my favorite Utah book as well. I absolutely adore it! And, I love that we have Star Wars in common! Although, Empire Strikes Back is my favorite. :)

    1. Jenni: why do you like that one the best?
      And Jessica... why do you like Jedi the best?

    2. Empire is good. But Jedi has got the epic battle with darth and luke with that hauntingly beautiful music...and anakin is dying...I've got to save already have...*epic tears* I love sad stories.


  2. Oh My! I must meet this Jessica!! You sound awesome!

  3. Kami - I did meet you! I was at the blogger party and I was totally jealous of your Tiger Lily hardcover :)

    Jenni - Star Wars is the best. When I was like 13 I had a serious crush on Mark Hamill. I was very sad to find out that he was now like 50 LOL.

    Jessica @ Books: A true story

    1. Jessica: LOL! Silly Kami! And about Star Wars... I had a crush on Harrison Ford... I was 12 and he was what? 30 something at the time? My fascination has waned in recent years... I think he's a bit ornery these days.

  4. Thanks for the fun interview Suey!

    Jessica @ Books: A true story

  5. Great interview! It sounds like I need to read both Everneath, and Life of Pi (hopefully before that one's movie comes out). And you're a fan of Downton Abbey!! Such a good show.

    1. Yes! Read them both. I got my mom hooked on Downton Abbey too :) Can't wait for season 3!!!!

      Jessica @ Books: A true story

  6. Fun fun interview. I loved meeting Jessica at the Utah Books party, and I loved learning even more about her here. I loved LIFE OF PI! And I loved your Google Diary for it. Those are some of my favorite posts of yours. :)

    1. Aw thanks :) They take forever to write and I'm glad people like them. I loved meeting you too!

      Jessica @ Books: A true story

  7. I love Downton Abbey too! I wish I could visit London and most of Europe. One of these days! When Harry Potter opens up to muggles we will be the first to sign up. :)

    Clean Teen Fiction
    Clean Adult Fiction

    1. lol I'm meant to say Hogwarts not Harry Potter. You get what I'm saying.

  8. It's fun getting to know more about Jessica. I'm glad we Utah bloggers get her in our circle.

  9. Just for curiosity sake...why is a hamster your favorite animal?

    1. I had a pet hamster. That guy had personality. He would come when I called his name....he was with me when I moved and didn't have and mom cried when he died even though she hated him. Plus they are stinkin cute.

      Jessica @ Books: A true story
