Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Utah Book Blogger Bash 2012

It's been awhile! Which means it's about time we pulled together a gathering for Utah bloggers, authors and almost authors! 

And what better time than now when we are in the midst of celebrating our bookish Utah? There is no better time!

So if you fit into one of the categories above, or even you happen to be traveling through and you know all of us here in Utah, consider yourself invited.

Here are the details:

Utah Book Blogger Bash
Friday, August 24, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Wines Park in Lehi*
Pavilion #3, SW corner

--Bring a dessert to share; we'll provide plates/forks/napkins/cups/water
--We'll be having a book swap again, 
so bring a book(s) to give away!
--You may also want to bring chairs
 and blankets for sitting on the grass.
--Families welcome

*From I-15, take Lehi Main Street Exit. Turn west onto Main Street (toward Lehi Roller Mills). Turn right onto 100 East. Turn left onto 500 North.

I hope a bunch of you can come! And please, help us spread the word by blogging, tweeting and emailing your blogger/author contacts. Thanks!


  1. I'm so excited about this! I posted about it today too. Hopefully the word goes out far and wide.

  2. I'm so excited you are doing this! I will get to meet more awesome people face to face!!

  3. Yay! I can get rid of some books I hated! ;) AND gain some weight. Fun fun!
