Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Confessions

Fun prompt today over at The Broke and the Bookish! It's confession time! I'm not exactly sure what direction to take this, but let's see what happens!

Top Ten Bookish Confessions

1. I confess.... I have a hard time remembering character names! Argh, it makes me crazy! When I go to write a review, if I even decide to mention a name (sometimes I leave it right out!) I have to look it up... even if I just finished the book. What's up with that? Some names do stick in my head, and if a book is popular, or I've read it a gazillion times, then yeah, I'm good!

2. I confess... I am an unobservant reader. I miss things, I miss REALLY BIG things sometimes. Maybe I'm reading too fast, maybe I'm reading when I'm too tired, maybe I'm just plain OUT OF IT, but often I'll be like... "Ummm.... so where exactly did it say that?"

3. I confess...bad writing doesn't bother me... for the most part. I mean, sometimes I'll notice it but usually I can still enjoy the story and read along just fine. Lots of adverbs? Who cares? Repetition? Eh... whatever.

4. I confess... I write reviews that are often too nice. Okay.... always too nice perhaps? I find it very hard to be mean to a book, really, I do. And I like them all, pretty much. Thus, the nice reviews.

5. I confess... I am a book snob. There are certain people who think they are readers (and I can tell you right now if you are reading this you are NOT one of them) but they really aren't.... well, at least in my opinion, and that's where the snobbery comes in. I feel like you should have a certain... broadness... to your reading in order to be called a reader. Know what I mean?  A wide vision, a big picture. Yeah, okay, so this confession makes me nervous!! But there are some people where you can instantly tell that you won't be able to talk books with them, no matter how hard you try.

6. I confess.... I HATE it when someone says, "but seriously, I just don't have time to read!" People. People people people! Change the phrase at least! You can say this instead, "I don't FIND time to read!" :)

7. I confess... I like the bad boys. Why? I have no idea. Maybe someone can explain this to me? Probably because my life is so very tame and normal that living on the edge through a book is a fun to do? Yeah, probably.

8. I confess... I think brainless books are fun. You know the kind? The ones where you seriously don't have to use your brain at all to read them? Fun, I tell you.

9. I confess.... I will keep a book from the library, past its due date, with the hope and plan to still read it... even if someone else has it on hold. SORRY!!! (And I just barely did this and boy, I'm SO glad I did!)

10. I confess.... there was one time where I bought a book for a gift, but read it first, THEN wrapped it, then gave it! GASP. But I think it was "just" my mom, so I don't really feel all that too terrible about it.

Whew! That was an interesting exercise! Do you have any similar confessions to mine? I'm hoping I'm not the only one in some of these! Please, fess up!!


  1. Yes to all the above sometimes. :) Great confessions

  2. Love the first couple! Exactly me. Actually, except for the bad boys one (Gilbert Blythe ruined me for bad boys) I could have writtent this page.

    1. Raidergirl: Oh, man, but I love the boy next door types too... like Gilbert. Sigh.

  3. YES! I have a hard time remembering characters AND events, too. People come up to me to talk about a book and I have to think really hard about parts that they want to talk about. My memory sucks!

    I don't believe that people DON'T have time to read. If you WANT to read, you will find time.

    I've also bought books for people, read them, then wrapped them. I do that with my niece and nephew's gifts ALL THE TIME!

    And WOO for brainless books! You just need them sometimes. :)

  4. I have a hard time with characters names too and it looks like we're not the only ones. Phew! Your confessions and everyone's today are cracking me up. It's like a big trust circle and we all still love each other. ;)

    1. Jenny: I love the trust circle thing. Yep, that's what it's like today. What a way to get to know everyone, right? Love it.

      P.S. I watched two episodes of Teen Wolf this afternoon. Hooked.

  5. Oh, I so heartily agree with your confessions! Most of them fit me to a tee. And I admit I used to be one of those people (when I had very small children) who would say I never had time to read, but now I realize (of course!) that I just never made the time. Loved your post!

    1. Gayle: Yeah, I read when I had little ones, but not as much I'm guessing. BUT... I still read!

  6. I'm glad I'm not a person who thinks they are a reader! I AM A READER!! I want to know how people don't have time to read? What else are they doing? They just don't like reading. I also think brainless books can be fun. Sometimes I just need one of those.

    1. Kami: I AM A READER! It's like a motto or something. :)

  7. Character names, plot points, big reveal surprises - I forget them all. Quickly. And I often miss things that are important. I sometimes go back to find that part again. This is probably why mysteries are always surprising to me :)

    1. Melissa: Do you sometimes wonder what's the point if we just forget so fast? I won't think about that one too much.

  8. Your list made me smile.

    #1 and #5 resonate. they may be a character I can't forget, but their name?...oops. I had to check for a name just this morning! and I have to say I'm with you on the "breadth" requirement. and I would have the same difficulty with #10 if I didn't order on-line for mailing as often as I do.


    1. L: Glad you smiled, it was intended to be a bit silly! Well, a lot silly.

  9. I love a good brainless book! Maybe not all the time, but a good half the time that's my preferred type of book. :) And I'm horrible with names in general, so I try to look them up before I review. Sometimes I forget the main character's name while I'm reading the book...

    1. Kathy: Brainless is fun, but I love the deep ones too.

  10. You ARE too nice! But that's why we all love you so much :)

  11. I LOVE your list. I can definitely identify with many of them! :)

    1. Kaley: Thanks for the visit. I'll go see now what you've listed!

  12. Ugh, I can't remember names either! Often, when I'm writing a review, if the books not in front of me and I'm too lazy to go get it, I will write GIRL in place of the name and then go back and change it when I'm done.

    I'm also tired of people defending how much time they actually read! No, you "don't have a life" just because you choose to read in your spare time! Great list :)

  13. Gautami: It has been great fun today!

  14. Brie: I use girl and leave it in there! A lot. It's because I figure that in a review, the reader isn't really going to care what the name is, right? They just want to know what it's about. At least... I think so anyway!

  15. I think I'm surprising even myself by saying this, but I don't mind bad writing either...but only if the story is good. A story can totally take me in, and I can really enjoy a book even when the literary devil on my shoulder knows the writing is way subpar. Ah, but if the story doesn't grab me, and the writing is not good, then watch out! ;-)

  16. I do the same thing with my reviews!! I do at least like the majority of books I read but it may often come out as if I liked it better. But seriously, ever time I ever let it rip, that is when the author comments and then I feel terrible!

    Book snob? Me, too. I'll give you that you're a reader if you say "I'm a thriller reader" if you never read anything but John Grisham and Sue Grafton. But stretch your wings people!

  17. I loved, loved, loved reading this one! I found myself nodding in agreement on a few of them, so glad to know that I'm not alone (i.e., no time for reading, keeping books past due dates, book snobbery, etc.). If only we lived closer! :)
