Friday, August 24, 2012

Mini Challenge Hosts Needed for Bloggiesta!

Hey everyone! It's time once again to be planning for the next round of Bloggiesta fun! The dates for this upcoming Bloggiesta are:

September 28, 29 and 30!
Mark your calendars now!

If you are new around here and have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a little explanation. Bloggiesta is a three day event created by Natasha from Maw Books several years ago where bloggers everywhere come together to work on spiffing up their blogs. It's time to make goals to solve those annoying blog problems you've been meaning to fix, or adding some fun features, or catching up on reviews or whatever blog thing you've fallen behind in. It's time to be brave and learn something new, or teach something new to other bloggers.

Yes, as part of this event, we gather a bunch of host bloggers who teach us about a fun blog related topic and post a "how to" or a pep talk on their blog. These are Bloggiesta Mini Challenges! And it's time now to find who will be interested in participating in this aspect of Bloggiesta.

To be a mini challenge host you should expect to write up a detailed post on some blog topic of your choice. You can, but don't have to, have a prize or giveaway in conjunction with your challenge. You should make it actually BE a challenge and give readers and bloggers some sort of task to accomplish so they can say they have DONE the challenge.

You will need to have your post written up and published the day before the event starts, so we can gather the links and post them all in one place. That would be September 27. Also, hopefully you will plan to be around throughout the event, visiting and helping those bloggers that are participating in your challenge.

And that's it!

Here are some suggestions we gathered after the last Bloggiesta back in April for challenge topics
  • Google Reader hints and helps
  • using Evernote in conjunction with blogging
  • how to add drop down menus
  • time management help
  • discussion post ideas
  • creating a blogger's notebook
  • balancing life and blogging
  • guests posts how to
  • scheduling posts and blog organization
  • monetizing
  • more on SEO
  • mobile friendly help
  • gravatars and favicons
  • photo editing basics
  • tweet embedding
  • how to self host
  • WP vs. Blogger.... pros & cons
Of course, you can come up with your own idea too! Or, if you have hosted a mini challenge in the past, you can spiff that up and we'll share that again for those that missed it the first time around. Be sure to let us know in the form below if that's what you want to do.

So.. .yes.... if you want to participate as mini challenge host for Bloggiesta on Sept. 28-30, please let us know by filling out the form below with your information and the challenge ideas you'd like to do. We'll take submissions for a week until Aug. 31 and then we'll look it over and decide which ones we'll use and let you know. 

Make sense? Let us know (either comment here or over at There's a Book) if you have questions. Thanks!



  1. Oh my gosh! I can't believe it's starting again! My head just hurts thinking about last time and all that labeling. Maybe it will be more fun this time! ;)

  2. I loved the first one, even though I found out about it the day of so I didn't get to as many mini challenges as I wanted, and I'm so excited for this one! I already have a list of things I want to work on :)
