Monday, August 13, 2012

Book Review: Witch Song by Amber Argyle

Book: Witch Song by Amber Argyle
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: ★★★☆☆
For: Utah Book Month
From: I bought this one earlier this year at LTUE, then later I had the opportunity to get a free eBook copy, so I actually read this book using both mediums. That's kinda fun!

This book gives us a whole different look at witches than what we have all become familiar with thanks to Harry Potter. These witches get their magic from the four elements of the earth, and from there, through singing. In fact, if a witch is born who can't sing... they are out of luck!

In this story, we have a young girl who has been raised in virtual isolation by her witch mom. I'm quite sure she realizes her mom has power, but her mom has chosen not to teach her daughter very much. She feels a great need to protect her from the dangers of the practice.

But that doesn't help matters much when she (the mom)suddenly goes off to fight against the bad witch who has taken over and leaves the daughter to fend for herself. This girl must now figure out things on her own, which she does along the way as she sets out to rescue her mom and the other witches. It also doesn't help the situation to have witch hunter in pursuit either.

But it DOES help that she finds a sweet, nice boy to become her Guardian! That helps a lot. It's also good that she finds some other friendly faces here and there as she goes off on this adventure.

I found this to be a fun coming of age sort of book where this girl rises to her potential and learns much about her strength of character. I enjoyed all the different things she learned to do with her magical singing and how that helped her out of several crazy spots. Many times things became quite page turning!

I also enjoyed the romantic element, though I felt it was a bit on the sweet side and I found myself yearning for things to be a bit more intense in that department. I also felt the ending dragged on a bit, and I was anxious for things to wrap up!

Bottom line: I ended up enjoying this one quite a lot. I've been anxious to read it for quite some time now and  it feels good to have finally done it! The next book, Witch Born, is coming out soon, so be sure to look for them both!

Other Reviews:

Gamila's Review
LDS Women's Book Review
Two Dudes and a Cake
The Solitary Bookworm


  1. Lol. Oh boy. Did you read Susan's review before you linked? I still think the cover of this one is beautiful!

    1. Yep! I liked her review! I actually agree with it for the most part.

  2. This one sounds fun. I hadn't heard of the book or Ms. Argyle until Utah Book Month. I love discovering new bookish things!

  3. Jessica: There's so many to keep track of!
