Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pitch Dark Days Tour and Eoin Colfer

I have a couple more author events to report on!

Last Wednesday I went with Jenny and my daughter Toto, to Salt Lake to see four authors who were part of the Pitch Dark Days Tour. They were Aprilynne Pike promoting her final book of the Wings trilogy, Destined, S.J. Kincaid, a new author promoting her first book, Insignia,  Dan Wells who was promoting Partials, and finally Veronica Roth promoting Insurgent.

We barely got there in time as there was a massive traffic jam that caused us grief, but we made it and had seats thanks to Jessica from The Bluestocking Society. Whew. The authors participated on a panel where they took questions from the audience and had us all rolling with laughter for the most part. (How do they get to be so funny?) I was much surprised with how young Veronica Roth is. Also, she is very pretty.  (As Enna pointed out, she looked a lot like Mary from Downton Abbey) Later I found out she is a mere 23 years old. What is up with that? Wow. Dan Wells was on his funny game as usually and especially had us laughing when it was mentioned that some authors have a little "audience" voice in their head saying "is it time for kissing now, or is it time for killing so and so off?" and he says he has that problem in real life! "Is it time for kissing now? Or killing?" Loved that.

Anyway, we then waited for our turn to get some books signed. I had Aprilynne sign my Destined copy, and then I bought a (very expensive) copy of The Hollow City for Dan to sign. I was happy that they both recognized me which makes me feel validated... or something. Dan has come to know that I may have crossed over to the stalking side, but for most authors, I think that's a good thing. While chatting with him, he also took a chocolate kiss there from the table and signed it for my daughter. She may just have to save it for awhile. She is anxiously awaiting the day that I deem her old enough to read his books! (She can read Partials, but I'd like her to be a bit older for the rest of them still!)

Afterwards, a bunch of us blogger buddies went out to eat, and it was all fun and good times!

Then yesterday evening I went (again with Jenny!) to see Eoin Colfer... author of the Aritmus Fowl series. (Eoin pronounced OWEN... now you know!!)  This is a book, well books since I read a couple,  that I read YEARS ago... way before blogging came into my life. I just remember it was violent for a middle grade book! But after hearing a reenactment of the whole series during this presentation, I  just may want to revisit these books.

Anyway, this author was pretty much one of the funniest ones yet! And that's saying  a lot because, as I mentioned above, they seem to ALL be funny. But he was truly doing a regular stand up comedy act. It was awesome! We had a great time and were so very glad to have taken the time out of a crazy evening to go.


  1. Eoin Colfer? So many cool authors. I love your author event recaps.

  2. Yay! You got this post up before your internet-dark-days begin.

    The dark days tour was such a lovely time, I'm so glad we got to be there together.

    You know, I've never read any of the Artemis Fowl books. I really should at some point.

  3. Eoin Colfer was fantastic! He and Markus Zusak are definitely the favorite signings I've been to.

    I enjoyed the Pitch Dark Days too. I thought Dan Wells was hilarious and liked how he and Veronica Roth fed off each other. I thought Aprilynne Pike was funny too. Too bad I haven't read any of their books yet.

  4. Nice recaps. I never even bother anymore. Last night was a blast! Good luck and have fun this week!

  5. How fun for you! And fun for me too because I've been wondering for some time just how to pronounce "Eoin". LOL!

  6. Eoin - Owen?!?! I am almost disappointed. I pronounced it so differently in my head. (A-o-in, for those of us who care about those things!!)

    I really liked his first book in the series and so do my 4th graders. Try 'em, you'll like 'em.

    What a fun time you've had. That's how I feel after having been to two big book days here.

    Thanks for sharing. Good luck at camp.
