Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA: Introductions!

Yay! It's time for Armchair BEA this week! That's where those of us not getting to go to New York for the real event (BEA) get to party together at our computers. Thanks to those of you that make it happen. Hard work for sure!

Normally we start out this week interviewing each other, but instead of doing that, this year we've been asked to "interview" ourselves! That's always fun, right? Ten questions have been provided and we are to answer five. Here are the five I've chosen:

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

I figure I may as well start out with the generic intro question, though I feel like everyone knows the answers. BUT, the hope is there's someone new out there coming to visit this week, right? So maybe you don't know all the answers already after all.

Who am I? I'm a mom, a reader, a library clerk, a Nerdfighter, a sister, a wife, a teacher of 12-13 year old girls at church, an author stalker, a Utah Book Blogger, a TV addict, a fan of all sorts of music, a food lover, a quiet observer, an 80s kid, a sort of quilter, a Grobanite, a book club hostess, and.... so many other things!

I've been blogging about books for a little over five years now. I started this particular blog after I realized no one on my other (personal) blog cared about talking books with me. Also, I saw there were these things called reading challenges that I thought looked fun and everyone kept track of them on book blogs. Also, I wanted a place to gush/talk/complain/moan/ponder about all the books I was reading and I found that worked much better online than in real life. Plus, I wanted to make lists and keep track of them!

Here's what my header looked like for a long time, years ago.

Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

Well, I think my favorite post of all time is the silly one I wrote a couple of years ago about going to author signings. If you haven't read it and you go to lots of author signings, do give it a look and tell me is that NOT how it is? :) 

Now that you've read it I have some updates on the issue: I've improved a little (I hope) on my author signing approach. I'm not so nervous about promoting the blog, mostly because I'm usually with a bunch of other bloggers and we we play off each other, also because it's (blogging I mean) more "known" now and authors actually almost seem excited about meeting bloggers these days. And they actually know what a blog is. Also, I've firmly decided to be known in the book world as Suey, because it's weird enough to remember, and much easier to say, however, I do find myself explaining the nickname quite often. Oh, and when this post was written, I had yet to meet my Markus Zusak! And at the time I couldn't even imagine it! But it happened less than a year later and I'm happy to report that I did NOT faint and there was no need to pick me off of the floor, though I probably did need a little help with the drooling issue.

If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

Um okay, so I just mentioned Markus Zusak... nice segue, yes? I would LOVE to eat dinner with him, just like the lucky ducks at the library were able to do a year ago when he came. I would be very nervous, I would be pretty much be tongue tied, but I would try my best to get over it and carry on a really intelligent conversation. I would hope that we (because I won't be alone... hello) can get him talking about writing, or his life, or his loves and passions... and then we'll just sit back and listen. Yeah, that would be fun.

What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?

Wow, there's so many! I mean, how am I to pick? I think I'll simply go with a visit to the fictional Avonlea which is located on the very real Prince Edward Island, and which, though I know it exists and that real people actually LIVE there, I still think of as a fairy tale, idyllic place in my mind. It would be good to go there and experience the beauty of this place in person. Besides, I just need to see more of Canada generally (because my little afternoon in Victoria hardly counts, I mean it COUNTS, but was not NEAR long enough) So, if I do go there some day, it would be part of an extended Canadian trip for sure.


Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?

Not sure that my actual TASTE has changed, but habits definitely. Before blogging I read mostly classics, and some current fiction and few YA. After blogging, I can hardly manage to fit in the classics anymore for trying to keep up with all the popular YA! While I still like the classics, I find that they are harder to read now that I know there are so many quick and easy things I'm also dying to read. It's been an interesting flip of reading habits, that's for sure.

There's my five! Hopefully you enjoyed me interviewing myself! :)

Now, I'm off to see what you all have to say about yourselves!


  1. Hey Suey! Nice get to re-know you. ;) Even if I met you in real life I would always think of you as Suey. You're the second person to mention PEI today and I'm all smug because I live right next door (sort of).

    1. Chris: Lucky duck you! :) (P.S. I just did my assigned commenting! Whew!)

  2. Hi! I "met" you on bloggiesta but it is nice getting to know you more. I would love to eat dinner with the same author as you. I hope you have a good ArmChair BEA!

  3. Hi Suey! Woo-hoo, blogging for 5 years! That's awesome! I hope you're able to fit in a little more classics, I get tempted by the quick easy YA reads too :-)

    Happy ABEA!

    1. Sarah: I am trying really hard to fit in more classics. I'm pondering a Tale of Two Cities read along... what do you think?

  4. Hi Suey! Yay for Nerdfighters!! And I hear you on Markus Zusak. :) Thanks for all you do to promote YA literature. You are awesome!!

  5. I gotta agree- I hadn't thought about it but I think my habits have changed too! Its so much more fun to read things EVERYONE is reading now so we can discuss. So glad to "meet" you! P.S. I'm a librarian too, we're AWESOME!!!!

    Armchair BEA @ the Brunette Librarian

    1. Brunette Librarian: I wish I was a "real" librarian, but just working at the library is good enough for me for now!

  6. My habits have definitely changed since blogging as well. Though I'm trying to fit in more classics! Though YA has a place in my reading heart as well. Well, truthfully, just about every genre does.

    1. Sarah: Me too regarding every genre... well NEARLY every genre anyway. :)

  7. Good Morning and welcome to Armchair BEA! It is a pleasure to meet you! Great sight into signings. Your right, its true!


    1. Lisa: Signings are fun AND stressful. But mostly fun.

  8. I'm with you on how my reading has changed. So hard to keep up with all the awesome YA coming out! Looks like you are a busy lady, so glad you are blogging about books and sharing your thoughts!

    1. Kristen: I think I would go through withdrawals at this point if I wasn't blogging about books.

  9. I love that you are doing better in the author signing dept, cause I'm still working on it. :) I usually don't mention the blog, though. And PEI sounds like a idyllic gorgeous place that could pop out such a lovely character as Anne. Hope you have fun this week!

    1. Melissa: I bet you are doing better too! I'm still pretty scared of them... those scary scary authors!

  10. I would want dinner with Markus Zusak too. He is one charming guy.

    1. Kami: Charming is a perfect word for him!

  11. I loved your intro. I didn't know you were a nerdfighter! That's so awesome! And, I just smiled at everything else because it reminded me so much of you, which is a good thing, lol.

    1. Jenni: Best Wishes and DFTBA to you! (Nerdfighter speak)

  12. Wow! I'm always so impressed when people have been blogging for as long as you seriously, kudos to you! That's impressive. I hope I'm still blogging after as long as you have been. :)

    I've only ever been to one author signing, so I'm not a good judge of it yet, but I definitely need to work on promoting my blog when I go them. I didn't even mention it when I went to the only one I've been too...but I have one coming up in September, so I think I'll have to get ready to mention it...maybe. I dunno. :P

    PEI definitely is gorgeous. :) My parents went years ago and really enjoyed it! :D

    Thanks for telling us about yourself, Suey. It's great to meet you! :)
    My BEA Introduction Post

    1. Ambur: Time flies when you are having fun! And go ahead and mention your blog to the author.. they will think it's cool.

  13. That totally IS how author signings go! No joke. I'm always so impatient in line and then I get up there and have no idea what to say! LOL

    Mickey @ imabookshark

    PS - Come check out my introduction? Thanks!

    1. Mickey: LOL... glad you enjoyed that old post! I will come check out your intro...

  14. YA has taken over my reading life too. I wish there were just more time.

  15. I'm with you on the author signings. I don't tend to care so much about having a book signed, so sometimes I skip that, just staying for the author's talk. But I do find it worthwhile to prepare something lest you become a rambler not aware of unstoppable word vomit. It's happened. Once I shyly commented to an author I was working on a story, and she asked what it was about. Now, you'd think this was an easy question to answer. Since then, I've paid attention to blogs and articles on how to pitch your novel or sum it up in an easy to define way. No one wants to hear the whole story as written, just one line. Embarrasing!

    I've also been consumed by YA so I have to make sure I venture out sometimes.

    1. Stephsco: I heard someone's one sentence pitch for their book awhile book... blew me away. Keep working on it!

  16. Now you have me wanting to visit the island. Gorgeous image of it. Hope you enjoy the week.

    1. Ryan: It was hard to choose an image.. so many lovely ones!

  17. Why haven't I come across your blog before?! Wow I need to get out there more ;)

    I always loved the Anne of Green Gables books - but I've never seen a picture of Prince Edward Island until now - gorgeous!!

    1. Kat: I'm feeling the same way today! So freaking many book bloggers!

  18. PEI is a really wonderful place! I haven't been there in ages, though. A lot of the places we went to when we were there are gone, so that's sad. One of these days I will make it back there, though.

    It was fun reading this. :)

    1. Kailana: Well, if I ever come, we'll have to have a get together some where in that general area. I was looking at a map today, and everything seems so close over there!

  19. Come to PEI! That would be so awesome. Kelly and Chris would come too to meet you. It really is as beautiful as that picture (if you come in the summer. Don't come in January!)

    I never would have guessed you'd pick Zusak to have dinner with. hee hee

    1. Raidergirl: Yes... a party in PEI! Let's do it! And yes, how could I NOT pick him? It's to be expected now!

  20. I had no idea that you've been blogging for five years! It seems like so many of us are celebrating that mark this year. I love Marcus Zusak too. So which one of his books is your favorite? I love The Book Thief but love I am the Messenger more.

    1. Vailly: I know! Crazy, huh? I love them all! I can't pick a favorite. I guess The Book Thief rises to the top if only because it was the first one and how I discovered his awesome writing.

  21. I am possibly the only person on earth who is not smitten with Anne of Green Gables. I just thought Anne was SO annoying!

    1. Lisa: Gasp? What? LOL. Too funny. I can see how she could be annoying, but in a nice endearing way, yes?

  22. You should definitely go to PEI, it's lovely and a wonderful literary pilgrimage!

    1. Helgagrace: I will start planning the trip today! Actually, I was already map gazing, which really IS a start, right?

  23. Oooh, I'd love to visit PEI, too. It looks so pretty. I've been to Victoria and Vancouver, but that's it for Canadian destinations. Some day, right?

  24. OMG, when you set off for fictional Avonlea, stop and pick me up on the way. I'd love to visit Prince Edward Island for sure, but I'm afraid it would pale in comparison to the sort of paradise that's lodged in my mind after a few good readings of Anne of Green Gables! ;-)

    1. Megan: It seems like we've planned this trip before! Wow, but how fun would it be!

  25. I'll go to Prince Edward Island with you! I got my passport renewed because I was going to go there with a friend and she bailed on me. :(

    1. Jenny: She bailed? Dang! Okay, maybe we can go someday for reals.

  26. That is an awesome post! I have the whole shy stalker thing going on. I forget to mention the blog. I am sure I have frightened some of the authors I met. If you pay attention in my pictures with them you can see my smile is a bit too big and excited. I hate the afterwards when I regret not saying or asking something. But I am getting gradually better with each time. Hopefully when I go to the Veronica Roth event in Utah in July I won't be such a crazy.

    It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you around ABEA again.

    1. Ephrielle: That's right! You coming for Veronica Roth! Maybe I'll be there too! And you can see in person my whole author signing awkwardness!

  27. I love your classifications of what people do at book signings. I'm usually the really shy person, but I did manage to mention my blog name at the last signing I went to (a year ago) and John Scalzi said "oh yeah, you just reviewed my book, didn't you?" My witty retort, of course, was "yes."

    1. Jeanne: I've had a few authors mention they'd read my reviews, and I usually say, "seriously? You did? Really?"

  28. Blogging really got me into read YA too! I am glad for it though because I have read some fantastic YA books that I might have otherwise missed out on! Also, I love that you are a Nerdfighter too!! =)

  29. You are officially my favourite blogger I've read about so far through the Armchair BEA intros. I'm from Canada but have yet to make it out to PEI. It's on my list of things to do because I loved loved loved LOVED Anne of Green Gables when I was growing up. I hope you get to go there someday! Also, your post on author signings was awesome! Nice to "meet" you! :)

  30. Hi Suey! Your author signing approaches made me laugh. I take the "I have a question..." approach so I'll have something intelligent to say LOL :) I'm very impressed that you met Markus Zusak and didn't pass out. I probably would have.

    Jessica @ Books: A true story

    1. Jessica: Glad you like that old post. And I can never think of an intelligent question.. but it's a good approach!

  31. Yeah, it's cool to interview oneself, right? lol I just want to say that Armchair Bea is cool because I have already made a few new friends.

    Now, as to your comment about YA vs. the classics. I still read the latter lest I forget what makes a good book stand out over time. Currently I am reading Macbeth...again.

    Anyway, I am now following your blog. See ya soon!

    1. Jeremy: I agree with your classics comment. Very true. I'm hoping to re-read A Tale of Two Cities very soon.

  32. Whoa I already commented on the wrong post. So here is comment #2 :)
    I love Armchair BEA, it's a great and easy way to discover new blogs -like yours- and communicate with people from all over the world :)
    Yay, another Nerdfighter :)

    xo Mar

  33. Prince Edward Island, yes!!! Also, I just bought my tickets for The Book Thief play in Chicago, I thought you'd be excited. DFTBA (like you could!)

    1. Melissa: I can't wait to here your report on the play. I hope it's good, really.

  34. Kinda jealous of your ability to hang out with other bloggers so much! I don't know any bloggers nearby. None. Nada. Sigh.

    I did learn a bit about you! PEI is a place I'd love to go. You're lucky to have even met Zusak, lady. If you eat with him, I'm flying to Utah to join you. Fair warning. :)

    I need to read more YA. My reading has been bumming me out, lately.

    1. Bookfool: LOL! I guess I will be having quite the party if I do eat dinner with Markus Zusak! :) (So funny to even imagine it!)

  35. PEI is definitely a beautiful place to visit and lots of people seem to be picking it because of Avonlea. :) Funny enough... I'm Canadian, I've been to PEI, never read Anne of Green Gables and haven't visited the Avonlea house. I should remedy this some time. LOL
