Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Review: Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Book: Supernaturally by Kiersten White
Genre: YA Paranormal
Rating: ★★★☆☆
For: Fun
From: I bought it Borders, I think, during their close out sale.

This book is more of the same silly funny crazy stuff that you'll find in the first book, Paranormalcy. In this book, Evie has left the center where she was raised and worked all her life (the center that tracks and contains paranormal creatures) and is instead living a "normal" life with her vampire roommate and seeing Lend, her awesome cool water elemental boyfriend, on the weekends.

But then, of course, weird things start happening and she wonders if the Fey are back at their mischief and are after her again. She decides to start working small jobs for the center again, with the help of a new friend named Jack, who gets under her skin in a strange and mysterious way.

And the small jobs turn into fairly big ones. And Jack ends up causing stress with Rend, of course. And all sorts of things begin to go wrong and she has to fix everything!

There's really not much more to say except it's fun! The style is so snarky and witty and silly that you just laugh the whole way through. Evie is a great character whose adventures are fun to follow. There is more to come as book three comes out this year. :)

Bottom line: The word fun just keeps coming to mind! Fun book! I enjoyed it!

Other Reviews:

Books With Bite
All-Consuming Media
Good Books and Good Wine
Small Review


  1. I really need to give this series a try :) It sounds like something I'd really like! I downloaded Paranormalcy on sale on the Kindle once awhile back, but for some reason never got around to reading it.

    Great Review,
    -Jac @ For Love and Books

  2. The premise to the story sounds like a cross between Hellboy and Lost Girl :)
