Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Potential Buffy Watch Along

There's a bunch of us (and by a bunch I mean four or five) out there in bloggerland/twitterverse that seem to have never managed to get on the Buffy bandwagon. Are you one of us? If so, we're thinking of fixing this issue!

Here's the thing, Memory over at Stella Matutina keeps talking about doing a Buffy month in June. (Check out her post just today!) I have no idea what she's got planned, but I figure what better time to once and for all see what this Buffy craze is all about!

You know the Buffy craze? How everyone (well lots of people I trust and believe anyway) say that it's one of the best TV shows ever? How when I ask in a post "who's your favorite vampire" people respond with Spike... whom I don't even know because I've never watched this show? How there's some dude named Joss Whedon who made name for himself in TVland because of this show, and how people (lots of people I trust and believe anyway) talk about his stuff non-stop? (And whose other stuff I love on my own!)

You know all that?

And maybe you are like me and have actually TRIED to watch it, but have only managed a few episodes and all you can think is.... seriously? THIS is what everyone is raving about? But it's dumb? (Gasp... I said it!) Is this you?

And yet you still want to give it chance because of all the things people say about this show?

Is this is you? Then you are just like me (and the other bunch of us I mentioned above) and you need to ponder the possibility of a "watch along" in June!! Yes, it's time to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer with us similar minded, curious, potential fans. And at the same time you can learn all about it and participate in Memory's Buffy month. And if we get slogged down with the first few strange and weird episodes, we can help each other push through them!

Well? So? Are you in?

We don't have specifics yet, but I'm thinking at least watch season 1 in June, maybe even get through season 2, so that after that we will be hooked, so they say, and can watch the rest during the remainder of the summer without problems. We'll maybe make up a little schedule and maybe have some days to post thoughts or something... maybe have some Twitter convos or.... I don't know...just basically have fun watching it "together" and cheering each other on.

So I thought I'd throw this idea out there to see if any of my readers are interested in joining us so we can make sure and let you know when we DO have a plan!

Let me know if this sounds like something you want to be a part of.

And let me know if you are a huge Buffy fan and would be willing to cheer us on! That would be fun too. Maybe you can even re-watch with us. Because after all, what else will you be doing in June, right?


  1. I can't wait to see what you guys think of the series once you really get going! Like I told you on Twitter, S1 is probably the weakest link (at least from where I stand; lots of other fans loathe S6 and S7, which are among my personal favourites), but it does end well. Then things really take off from about the middle of S2 onwards. And don't you even get me started on S5's supreme awesomeness. We'll be here alllllll day.

  2. I never got on the Buffy bandwagon, then like you I got too curious. I watched the entire show in 2010. At first I thought it was so silly, but the humor and the characters really got to me after a bit. I ended up really enjoying it. I may end up rewatching a little of it with you all.

    1. Melissa: I'm sure I will love it once it gets going too. You really should re-watch with us. That would be fun!

  3. Hahaha ... you crack me up! I found it dumb too and never saw more than the trailers on TV to come to this conclusion, but then a friend of mine said it'd be a great series (a guy friend, which makes this even funnier) and I thought I'd give it a more serious try. So, let's just say I'm the proud owner of the complete episodes of Buffy and also Angel (in fact I'm currently in the middle of re-watching season 4 of Angel, ahem). All I'm saying is - perfect brain candy!

    P.S.: And Spike rocks! Gotta love that British accent!

    1. Birgit: Now see, this seems to be such a common story! I love it! And brain candy is just what a person needs to get through the summer I'm thinking. :)

  4. I've watched a few episodes here and there and I really LOVE Spike and Angel. But, I haven't ever really got into it. So, I'd be interested in joining this little watch-a-thon.

    1. Jenni: Awesome! I'll make sure you know what the plan is when we get one.

  5. I've seen most of Buffy, mostly out of order. Joss' writing - particularly the humor - provides the biggest appeal for me. It's why I loved the Avengers movie so much.

    A word of advice: Seasons 1-2 are kind of lame compared to the rest of the series. The show definitely gets better the further into the series you get.

    1. Colleen: Yep, that's what I'm hearing, so I just need help to get through those first two seasons.

  6. So, I tried watching Buffy, watched the first couple of episodes...not too bad. But then I dropped it. I would love to attempt watching this show with you and others. I just hope I and me don't do well together, but some group incentive may intice me to flick the tube on and watch. :)

    1. Ibeeeg: Oh, I would LOVE for you to join us! It sounds like you've had the very same experience I've had with the show. Well, we'll see how it goes this time.

  7. I am one of those humongous buffy fans ~ i even own every season :-D
    i'm so hooked on it that my daughter who is 18 has also seen every episode (some even 2-3 times)...I would love to cheer you guys on and hang out with you watching my girl!

    1. Stacy: Yay! A cheerleader! Cool. I know it would help us!

  8. lol I did this a few months ago, when I was high school the show was on the WB and was in it's hayday, I refused to watchi it because I thought it was dumb, but I watched all the seasons on netflix the other day and it was actually really good. They had so many nerdy jokes and moments in there i just had to love it and Spike is the BEST, i loved him more than angel

  9. I watched ALL of the Buffy series and Angel series like a year ago on Netflix. The first few seasons are really good, but then it all goes downhill from there! After Buffy goes to college, it pretty much sucks. There is a lot of sex, and they bugged me. Willow becomes a lesbian, and seeing her kiss a girl was awkward for me. Buffy isn't for everyone, but I did like the first couple seasons.

  10. I hope we get a good crowd. I have tried to watch the first season twice now and still haven't finished it...

  11. I'm one who watched quite a few episodes (and I have no idea what seasons), but I just didn't get that into it. I probably won't join up, but I'll be interested in hearing what all of you think!

  12. While I loved the last season better than the earlier ones I should warn you, along with Kami, that there is some stuff you will NOT want to let kids watch. I hope you stick with it, though, because I think I know you well enough to know you'll love it.

  13. I am completely in love with Buffy! and Angel too. I have been since i first started watching the show. I will admit that S1 tends to move a little slow and will lose you attention, but S2 is when the fun really begins! I am so happy to see that people still watch Buffy :) and also that people are still interested even though they havent seen it all :)I have watched both Angel and Buffy a hundred times over, but i am definitely down for the watch-along!!!

    1. Alicia: If you'd like to be added to an email list for the Buffy Watch, can you send me your address? Thanks!

  14. I'm a long-time Buffy fan--I got hooked when the 4th season originally aired--and I've been craving a rewatch, so I may join in.
