Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: All Time Favorite Characters

So, at first I thought the prompt for the list today (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) was going to be FUN! But no, it is HARD. So very hard. I mean ALL TIME favorites? Only ten? Is this possible? I think not. And while I know it's not going to be a unique and/or espeically creative list this time around, here's what I came up with for starters:

Top Ten All Time Favorite Characters

The Guys

1. Harry Potter... you know he has to be on the list. Talk about a character that has defined a whole genre and reader generation. Very impressive Harry!

2. Mr. Darcy... yes Jenni Elyse... he gets better! Is there any other character more swoon worthy? I mean, he STARTED the whole swooning thing, did he not? All the rest are learning from him!

3. Samwise Gamgee... I will forever and always love this guy. His loyalty astounds me.

4. Ed Kennedy...Here's the one many of you may not know (from Markus Zusak's book I Am The Messenger,) but this guy ponders some pretty deep and thought provoking things that make me see the world in a whole new way. (Wish I could find an actor who I think looks like him, but I can't right now, so oh, well.)

5. Robin Hood... the definition of swashbuckling, clever, flirty and gallant. What more do we need?

The Girls

6. Anne Shirley.... her attitude on life is one I would so love to have.

7. Jo March... even if she made a crazy boy decision, I still like her spunk. Another character, along with Anne, that I've always wanted to be more like.

8. Laura Ingalls... she defines my childhood reading and the character that I loved with all my heart back then.

9. Nancy Drew... the character that tuned me into a reader.

10. Katniss Everdeen.... celebrating girl power everywhere!

Well? How'd the list turn out? Do you agree at all? Who's on your list?


  1. Anne Shirley. One of the best female characters ever. And also one of my greatest enemies because I had (okay, HAVE) a huge book-crush on Gilbert Blythe. Not that I'm bitter she stole him or anything ;)

    Maria @ novalibrarymom.com

    1. Maria: I agree about the whole getting Gilbert thing, lucky duck.

  2. I see what you mean - coming up with your all-time favorites is harder than it looks when you've read so many books!

    On my list I think would be Neville Longbottom, who grew in courage and wisdom more than any of the other characters in that series, IMHO. Hm, who else? Maybe Polgara from David Eddings' series, Shari from Christopher Pike's Remember Me series, and Melinda from Speak.

    1. Colleen: I too love seeing how Neville changed. He is for sure an awesome character. I don't know the others you listed, except Melinda from Speak, but I hardly remember her.

  3. Nice list. I agree this would be difficult to create. For me though, off the top of my head, I don't think I even have ten total. I am rather picky. Also, my list would not be equatable between male and female. Probably more male. Your male list is good, your female list would not be mine. I am not a fan of Little Women or Nancy Drew.
    Actually, I'm not even certain about females for me....I will have to really think except I know that Claire Fraser would be there and Jamie Fraser would be on my male list.

    1. Ibeeeg: I lean more toward the guy characters too, but I decided to try and give equal time for this list. As for Nancy Drew... I don't know that I'd like her much now, but she was very important to me as a kid! But I've always liked Jo.

    2. I certainly see why you added Nancy Drew. I think it is great that you tried to make the list equal.

  4. Nancy Drew!!! I so totally forgot about her. Great list :)

    1. ShaRaKay: YES! She deserves to be remembered, right?

  5. Ha ha ha! I love the shout out to me with Mr. Darcy. You just made my whole day, lol.

    1. Jenni: And I just totally realized I forgot to link up... hate it when that happens, but I can fix that....

  6. It was really hard for me too! And, of course, Anne topped my list :) Oh, how I love Mr. Darcy too - how could I forget him?

    1. Melissa: What? You forgot Mr. Darcy? NO!!

  7. great list... and man, this is a hard list to make! Well, there is Pumpkin from 'May Bird' and Hathin from 'The Lost Conspiracy' and Kvothe from 'Name of the Wind'...

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. L: Oh, Kvothe! I would like to add him to my second list!

    2. Kvothe would make my list too probably after Jamie.

  8. GREAT choices! I'm hosting a book tour stop today, so I'll be unveiling half of my list tomorrow and half later in the week/early next. I decided to go with undersung or peripheral characters instead of the main protagonists. Was challenging that's for sure!

    1. Andi: Sounds like a good idea. I'm glad you're still playing. :)

  9. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your choices!!! I love that you included Samwise!! He is such a great and loyal friend!! I also love that you included Laura Ingalls. I grew up on those books and she holds a dear place in my heart! I really could keep commenting on almost every single one of your choices, but I will leave it at this ... LOVE your choices!! :)

    1. Tif: Wahoo! We must be book bosom buddies for sure!

  10. Nope, no way I could have done this one. I've read several TTT posts today and everyone of them has at least one character I love. There's WAY too many! Way to add Ed Kennedy, I would have added Cameron too. Argh! There's just too many!

    1. Jenny, I can never decide between Cameron and Ed! Still... you should have done this post! I wanted to see who you made yourself choose!

  11. You're so right--coming up with your favorite TEN characters is so hard! But you have some pretty darn awesome picks! Especially loved your Katniss and Darcy picks!

    Here's my list:

    1. Joie: Glad you enjoyed Katniss and Darcy! :)

  12. I can never imagine anyone other than Melissa Gilbert as Laura. Did you know she played Ma in the recent Little House musical?

  13. Great list and a particularly handsome picture of Daniel Radcliff. Love Colin Firth (and Darcy), too. Other than The Book Thief and Hunger Games (which I haven't read yet), I would pick many of the same characters.

  14. What a fantastic list! I adore all the ladies that made your Top Ten.
    Angela @ AJ Arndt Books

  15. I love your list. It's a good idea to do 5 guys and 5 girls. I always end up with almost all of one or the other.

  16. Yaay, fun choices indeed! And I agree with most of them, Anne of GG (love her), ditto Jo of Little Women, and Nancy Drew, and love that Samwise Gamgee is there! Our cat is named after him :-) Mr Darcy *happy sigh*
