Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Pinteresting Challenge

When I saw this fun challenge over at Trish's Love Laughter and a Touch of Insanity, I knew it would be fun to go for it! Because, you know, what else would I do with my life! :)

Click on over to see her "rules" and to officially join. But bottom line, the challenge is to pin things to your boards (or look over what you've already pinned) and then actually DO something, then blog about it! So since I'm not too bad about doing this already (with the easy things anyway) I thought I'd take it do the next level and report about it! And maybe do some hard things too. And maybe involve the kids somehow and make them do a project or two.

I will probably do the middle level which is to make/do 4 to 7 things. Yeah, we'll see how that goes. :)

Here's an example of some things I might go for:

So, what do you think? Join us in the fun?


  1. Love the t-shirt quilt! Have lots of old t-shirts that we don't wear anymore, but they have sentimental value. What a great idea!

    1. Alexia: I know, right? I've been dying to do this forever.

  2. I've always wanted to make a t-shirt quilt. I even have the shrits set aside... just don't have a sewing machine...

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

    1. Jac: Time to get one! :) I've been wanting to do this forever too, now we'll see if I can at least get started.

  3. Oh, now I see where this problem is going to cause me problems. I won't have any problem reaching my goal with a graduation coming up, but I'm going to find all of these great things on everyone else's posts and have to add those pins! I've been wanting to do a t-shirt quilt for a long time but figured I'd have to pay someone to do it. I'm so excited to see this!

    1. Lisa: Yep. It's going to be interesting indeed!

  4. Oh I'm so glad you joined Suey. ;) I'm hoping it's a really fun challenge for everyone and like Lisa said--it'll probably just end up adding to our list of things we want to do. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
