Thursday, April 26, 2012

Books Discussed at Book Club April 2012

For those interested, here are other random books (besides our highlighted book of the month, Watership Down) that we discussed at book club last week:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen... which she is reading for the first time and it's a blast to see her "discovering" the story and characters. A lengthy gushing conversation ensued.
Harry Potter.... the British versions, which are awesome!

The Maze Runner by James Dashner... she's been listening to it... says it's just okay

The Odd Thomas graphic book, Odd is On Our Side by Dean Koontz...  It was good.
The 4th Mathew Swift book... it was AWESOME of course! (The Minority Council by Kate Griffin)
Black Heart by Holly Black... the 3rd Curse Workers book... it was also awesome.


Austenland by Shannon Hale... a comfort re-read
Poison Study  by Maria V. Synder   .... a comfort re-read

Jessica N:

Has not been feeling up to reading, but instead has spent time finishing Psyche on TV!


Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta... the 2nd after Finnikin of the Rock.... loved them both
Return to Exile by E. J. Patten... for a blog tour for new local author. It was okay, but a bit of an effort at the same time.
The Hollow City by Dan Wells... comes out in July. Awesome book.
Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen... fun take on Robin Hood.. which brought us to a rousing Robin Hood discussion!


  1. Thanks for blogging this. I keep meaning to transfer the books on this to my other Internet areas and I keep forgetting. Now, I can do it right now!

  2. I like that you guys discuss what other books are being read beyond the highlighted book of month.

    I am currently re-reading a comfort book, and am loving it. Although, I have noticed that I am not concentrating heavily on parts that I did not like as well during a first read, and the parts I loved I am savoring this time around. Fun.

    I really want to read Fnnikin of the Rock. Hopefully I will get to it soon.

    1. Ibeeeg: I hope you get to Finnikin too, I want to know what you think! Comfort reads are fun, I should do it more often. :)

  3. That's great that so much conversation occurred! Always enjoy these posts. :)

    1. Kailana: Glad you like them. I always wonder if people want to see this or not.

  4. I love that you blog this, so I can find them later! I've been pushing my other book club to talk about other books like this, but it's hard for some reason.
