Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In Which I Have Another Fan Girl Moment and Also Prove Letter Month Was Worth It

Well, actually I knew writing letters was worth it already, but last night when I got this tweet, I was so glad I decided to write a fan letter as part of my letter line up! Here's what it said:

Writing a fan letter was far from anything I've ever done before. It felt weird. Fun, but weird. And now, it goes without saying, that I'm so glad I did! Seriously, everyone, sit down and write that fan letter you've been thinking about! I need to think who else I can write to!

Anyway, I feel sometimes like I overdo the fan girl thing regarding this author, but I couldn't NOT share this last interaction! So, hopefully you'll excuse me while I happy dance all day long. :) This guy continues to show that not only is he a brilliant author, but also a genuine nice guy who cares about his fans and that he's a real guy who struggles with things... like getting this next book done! And in no way do I think I'm singled out and "special" or something, because you'll see if you look at his Twitter feed, he responds and thinks up a personal thing to say to everyone who mentions him or his books on Twitter. But that being said, it sure does make one "feel" special anyway. Know what I mean?

So yeah... I just had to share. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog posts........


  1. That's so awesome that he read your letter and tweeted to you about it! I'd have died and gone to heaven!

  2. You can fan girl all you want over this! I don't even know if I can think of an author I'd write a letter to that wouldn't sound utterly stupid. Way to go!

    1. I was nervous about the sounding stupid thing, but I think, I hope, that it came out okay! You should think of someone to write to and go for it! Seriously.

  3. I saw when he replied to you on Twitter, and I was like, oh man, she's going to die. How fun for you!

    1. I tried to contain myself last night and not go all ballistic on Twitter, but still, how could I not share here, you know? :) I actually got two tweets in a row from him last night. Did you see them both?

  4. So very fantastic!!
    You have inspired me to write a fan letter too. Now to decide who to.

  5. I'm still just smiling about this. Thanks for sharing your happiness with me.

  6. Squee!! That's so great. I <3 Markus Zusak even more now!

  7. That's awesome! Seriously, could Zusak be any cooler?
