Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Sunday Salon: Superbowl? What Superbowl?

Today (Saturday) we've been celebrating the birthday of this kid:

This picture taken while on our trip this past past summer
with the Smokey Mountains
in the background.
It was 17 years ago he was born, and wow, can it have been that long ago? It blows me away really. He got a sonic screwdriver for his birthday... the 10th Doctor edition. He seems pretty pleased!

Outside my window: Dark, cold and windy. 

I am listening to: The Canadian Tenors... specifically the song Luna, one of my favorites on this album. But my most favorite song on this album is called I Only Know How to Love. Beautiful.

Song of the week: It's another 80s flash back for you. In listening to my 80s Pandora station all week stuff comes up that I suddenly am totally taken back to the time. It usually makes me very happy and wistful. Here's the song that did that this past week:

TV Talk: American Idol is doing nothing for me right now. I'm ready for Hollywood week and let's see who they've got. Downton Abbey was heart-wrenching last week! Gah, poor Matthew! Vampire Diaries is crazy as usual with all the originals suddenly back. And much tension between Damon and Stefan too. 

Reading Report
Books I've finished: May B. by Caroline Starr Rose, and Partials by Dan Wells. 
Books I've started: Started no new books since then... I actually haven't read for days.... again. Inheritance is what I'm working on... again.
Books I want to start: I got some books from the library: Rot and Ruin, Finnikin of the Rock, and Linger. 

I am thinking: that I wish everyone could just be happy, you know? 

I am grateful for: the fact that my dentist appointment if over. But I do have to go back for one little tiny cavity filling and one old filling replacement. Joy.

What I learned this week: that it will be my duty to plan and prepare food for church girls camp. Joy.

Around the house: Dude! I cleaned the very worst kitchen counter messy problem this week! And the clutter cubbies! It was amazing! And last week I forgot to tell you... I organized the DVDs! Yep. You should be very very proud.

Recipe of the week: I can't even remember a thing I made this week. Today (Saturday remember) we had a pretty nice spaghetti dinner for the birthday. With strawberries on angel food cake for dessert. That was his birthday cake of choice. Yum.

Favorite things of the week: hauling our two college kids to see a college basketball game and then making fun of it the whole time since we just don't get sports... being so un-sportsy people at this house. Like I said... in the title... Superbowl? Starting letter month was a favorite thing of the week for sure. I'm having a blast gathering supplies! I've written (and mailed) some stuff (several family birthday cards, a postcard and a card to the author who started the whole business.) 

Family matters: You know... same old same old. School, homework,  a birthday, lessons, etc.

Things I hope to accomplish in the coming week: another author event! Rebecca Stead! And also a science fiction/fantasy conference that I think  I will go to after all (I was thinking to skip it this year.) And Suzuki violin graduation too (book five for those in the violin know.) And some crazy stuff at work (storytelling midwinter festival for those in the local storytelling know.) And more letter writing.


  1. My hubby would always pick angel food cake with strawberries for his bday cake. Sadly, we haven't been able to get decent strawberries the past couple of years. Oh poor us, we had to eat ice cream cake. Happy birthday to your son!

    1. I usually make crazy cake (also known as wacky cake) for birthdays, but this boy does not like that kind of stuff. Very healthy eater. So, this choice makes him happier! Yay! I lucked out with the strawberries. They weren't bad at all.

  2. Girls Camp Cook?!?!? I did that for 7 straight years. Yikes. What can I do to help?? We just got a calling to be a Ma and Pa for the upcoming trek. Yikes again. Can't I just hole-up and read a book about it and call it good?? Needless to say I am in my Doubting-Thomas mood.

    Kudos to you for organizing. I am mentally doing it. Mental first, physical next. In other words, I am thinking about it. Thanks for giving me motivation to do more...

    Hang in there.

    1. ....and I've never once been to camp. Is this not funny or what? Seriously, I would love for you to email me all your tips! Please! I'm in a huge doubting Thomas mood for sure!

  3. I hope your son had a wonderful birthday! I have no idea what a sonic screwdriver is...

    1. WATCH DOCTOR WHO! :) Fall in love with David Tennant! And learn what a sonic screwdriver is! :)

  4. nice post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  5. sounds like a good busy week, forward and back. N got that very model of sonic screwdriver last year christmas; it is very fun. this year she got a bow tie, because bow ties are cool.

    yes, downton abbey! whatever will happen next?! and just when mary gets herself good and stuck to the other guy.


    1. I'm so tempted to do a Downton Abbey post! I don't know though...

      I told my son your daughter got the sonic screwdriver and it made him grin, but then when I said she now has a bow tie, he grinned even bigger! :)

  6. I want to read Finnikin of the Rock. I need to get my hands on it. I hope you enjoy it.

    Oh man, girls camp cook? Sooooo sorry! ;) Alright you'll probably have fun but I would NOT want to do that.

    1. I will hope I get to Finnikin... this will be the second time I've had it out of the library.

      And now you know already how I feel about girls camp cooking!

  7. I'm impressed with how busy you are every week. I think if I did one of these it would involve doing my taxes & trying to potty train my son. :)
    Good luck with Girl's Camp! That wasn't my favorite thing as a youth, so I hope I won't get a girl's camp "opportunity" again.

    1. It seemed like a pretty boring week around here actually! This week, now, it's going to turn out quite crazy I think.
