Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Sunday Salon: My Own Mini Readathon!

Today, I've done nothing but read, and go grocery shopping. It's good to have some Saturdays like that, right? I hope so.

Outside my window: It's Saturday evening as I write this, and it's very blustery outside my window. Once again, I think snow is threatening for our Sunday. Every week this is the case. Weird. And it's cold in this house and shhhhh.. don't tell anyone but I turned up the heat for a bit!

I am listening to: the songs that Kailana posted recently on her blog. Very folksy. Do I like them? The jury is still out.

Song of the week: last week we went to the closing store sale at FYE... and one of the cds I bought was by Vangelis. Have I mentioned them before? So I fell in love with one of the songs on this cd which, I guess, is from a movie called 1492. I think. You must listen:

TV Talk: There was no Vampire Diaries this week, so that was sad. American Idol has whittled people down to 24, and I'm really liking the Korean kid whose name sounds like Hey Jude. He sings okay, but he is so funny! On Survivor, the women team is self-destructing which is highly embarrassing... for them. I watched a Merlin episode on YouTube that cracked me up thoroughly. Dang that Colin Morgan kid is so good! And Downton Abbey ended for now. :( With an awesome feel good ending! Now, how long do we wait for more?

Reading Report
Books Finished:  I got done with Overbite by Meg Cabot (fluffy fun) and Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta, which I so very much loved!
Books Started: Nothing else new, but I got Dead End in Norvelt at the library
Books currently reading: I put away several chapters in Path of Daggers just now! Boring!!! But the Egwene chapters are almost done and then maybe it will pick up. Crossing fingers. Only a couple hundred pages and this book will be done!
Books I'm anxious to read: All the same ones I mention over and over again. Here's hoping next week will see some movement on them. People keep mentioning Wise Man's Fear and I think I will go insane if I don't read that one soon.

I am thinking: that I wish I could do something drastic and fun and fabulous with my hair. Suggestions? I'm so sick of it.

I'm grateful for: Penelope, who figured out the tickets for a bunch of us to go to The Hunger Games together! That is going to be so much fun! I can't wait!

What I learned this week: Well, I didn't learn this, but I remembered how unfun it is to get cavities filled. Yes, that hurt a bit after the crazy numbness wore off. And the dentist even called to see how I was doing later that evening. So that was interesting. That's what I learned, that our new dentist calls to check up on you!

Around the house: Oh! My! Word! You should see what we did do the pantry! Yes, it was a very very scary place and we cleaned it out, like REALLY really cleaned it out! We threw away nearly everything. It was liberating. And disgusting. And it looks wonderful now! Yay!

Recipe of the Week: I made two more Pinterest things. Would you like to know which ones? They are healthier things this time around. Are you impressed?

Favorite things of the week: Hunger Games tickets, discussing Josh with Enna on Twitter, finishing books, announcing Bloggiesta is back!, getting a letter from Memory, going out to dinner on Friday night, seeing a Johnny Cash impersonator in Park City, and many other things.

Family Matters: I took the college kids grocery shopping today. Yep, that was a blast. One of them has a broken computer, yeah, that's going to be fun too. (Still under warranty, but we have to send it back and wait for it to return.) Kid#4 (7th grader) went to a symphony performance, complete with opera singer and all, and she loved it! Kid#3 survived his dentist appointment, no cavities! :)

Letter Writing Month: I got some back this week! A postcard from Chachic, a postcard from Faith, and a letter (a very long very awesome one) from Memory! Yay! And I mailed two birthday cards and a packet of letters to family, two postcards, and three or four other card/letters this week. Only a half a week to go! I still have several letters to write! And then I have to tell myself to keep writing even once the official challenge is over. We'll see how that goes! What fun it's been though.

The coming week: another book signing hopefully (which means another book buying,) a family baptism, Josh's birthday!, and lots and lots of Bloggiesta stuff!


  1. I hope you end up loving The Civil Wars! They are fantastic!!

  2. Oh, you pinned some great sounding recipes this week! I've repinned a lot of recipes recently and need to remember to get into the computer and use some of them when it comes time to eat. Your Saturday sounds divine!

    1. Lisa, I'm actually starting to use Pinterest more for figuring out what to make instead of an actual recipe site like I used to.

  3. Yay! I like your song of the week! Makes me feel determined to do...something.

    I think you should put a colored streak in your hair. I will if you will. ;)

    That's kinda weird that your dentist calls and kinda weird that fillings gave you pain. I'm sorry, though. Going to the dentist is never much fun.

    Happy Birthday to Josh!

    1. A color streak huh? Hadn't thought of that one!

      My fillings were bad this time. But still, it was weird to have him call me. Very weird.

  4. Yes, you must read THE WISE MAN'S FEAR good and soon! It's fabulous.

    I'm so glad the letter got to you safely. I always worry about mail going astray.

  5. I can't wait for The Hunger Games movie. Wonder if I can talk my cousin into going with me...

    I think the only time a doctor has called to check on me after anything was the oral surgeon when I got my wisdom teeth out. It was kind of nice and kind of weird, I couldn't quite decide. LOL!

    1. Megan, oh do find someone to go. You'll want to be able to join in all the talk, right? :)

  6. Dan Stevens (Matthew) trumps the top recipe photo, but just barely. Ooh, that looks good!

    1. I'm having a Dan Stevens issue more and more!

  7. My favorite lettermo letter was from Memory, too! awesome! (I missed you somehow - either lost your addy or failed to receive? did I send you mine?!)

    FAB post -everything, btw.

    1. Yeah, Memory knows how to write a letter for sure!
