Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Dickens!

I'm enjoying all the love this author is getting today! So I just had to join in with my own little tribute post.

Two hundred years ago on this day Charles Dickens was born! And then, what awesome books he wrote!

Here's what I've read:

Oliver Twist
Nicholas Nickleby
A Christmas Carol
David Copperfield
Bleak House
Hard Times
A Tale of Two Cities
Great Expectations

My favorites from the above are Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. But I also really loved David Copperfield. Hard Times was not my favorite at all. Bleak House, the most recent one I've read, was hard going, but I enjoyed it in the end.

Here's what I want to read some day:

The Old Curiosity Shop
Martin Chuzzlewit
Little Dorrit
Our Mutual Friend

And I'm really anxious to re-read A Tale of Two Cities, then watch the movie again. But what I really wish is that they'd do a remake of this movie. That would be awesome!

So here's the thing about Dickens books. They are a strange breed. They are hard to read, and hard to understand... yet... they are so full of both amazing characters and crazy plot that once you get the hang of reading this style, you are sucked in completely. They get better and better each time they are read over and over again. I don't know, but I really truly love them!

How do you feel about Dickens and his books? Read any lately? 


  1. Lol - I didn't know it was Dickens birthday until after I got off work. Every time I had to do a Google search on something I was so confused as to why they had their logo done up as A Christmas Carol!

    1. Two hundred years, I guess that's a pretty big one to remember, huh? Do you think when we are dead someone will remember our 200 birthday? Yeah, I guess not.

  2. For me, Dickens is simply da bomb. I still can't get over how intricate Great Expectations was-I really think HBO should make it into a miniseries. As for Tale, I loved how Dickens just pulled Sydney from the outfield and right back into the plot...oooooh great goodness!

    1. I will second the mini series idea... sounds awesome. And as for Sydney, one of the best characters in all of literature. Like I said I NEED to re-read that book so bad.

  3. Well, you already know how I feel about him so I won't say anymore about that, but I guess I shouldn't be so judgey. I haven't read any of his books but The Christmas Carol. I have seen lots of the movies based on the books, though.

    1. And don't you like the movies? They are good, right? So, you should try a book. I mean, The Christmas Carol is not really a good one to base the rest of off!

  4. Ooh. Thanks for posting some Dickens love. Unfortunately, I have only read a couple of his books. And I have tried twice to get through BLEAK HOUSE to no avail. That said, I loved both A CHRISTMAS CAROL and OLIVER TWIST. So, I plan on reading at least one of his books this year in celebration of his 200th birthday.

  5. Ive just read Great Expectations which is my first read and I was glad to report that I can see the fuss (yeah) All of the ones you have read are on the top of my TBR in terms of Dickins, Oliver and Hard Times will be next I think.
