Friday, February 17, 2012

Goodbye to Our Kitty

It seems like a lot of blogging friends have had this experience lately and now I sadly join the club. Our kitty, the one that strayed our way exactly fourteen years ago, died today. She's been declining for years, but we thought she was hanging in there quite nicely for an old cat! But her body hit the wall this week and she stopped eating. After a couple of days of no improvement we took her to the vet and they said she had kidney failure, and had probably been dealing with that for years. Anyway, we brought her back home for one more night and to say our good byes, and then this morning we took her back and let her go peacefully to sleep. She was so miserable and had gotten so much worse through that night that it was a relief to be able to ease her pain. Still, argh, hard. So so hard. She leaves a huge hole that will be felt for a long time to come.


  1. aw, Suey. I am so sorry to hear about this. It is never easy to lose a fur baby.

  2. Oh no. I'm so sorry. Fourteen years. I can't imagine how tough it must be to say goodbye. :(

  3. Oh Suey. My heart breaks for you. It is so hard to say goodbye. Blessings on you, my friend.

  4. Suey, I'm so sorry for your loss. My dog is 13 years old and has been on the decline for a while. The vet can't believe he's still kickin', and I know it won't last forever, but I'm grateful for every day I Have with him. It's so hard to watch them lose function and eventually pass away. My condolences.

  5. Oh, Suey, I am so sorry. I know exactly how this feels having had to say good-bye to far too many of my wonderful fur-babies through the years. I am sure she is at peace now, over the Rainbow Bridge where her body is whole and healthy again. Thinking of you...xo

  6. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. As hard as it is to let her go, at least you know she isn't suffering anymore. And to have her for 14 years! Wow! I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts, as it's devastating to lose a cherished pet. *hugs*

  7. I'm sorry Suey. It's always hard.

  8. I am so sorry, and I am one of those bloggers that lost a beloved cat recently. Putting down an animal is never easy, take the time to grieve and do something sweet to honor your kitty. I have noticed that book lovers tend to be animal lovers as well, so maybe that's why we're seeing a lot of these posts.

  9. Oh no! I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose a pet - especially one who has been around that long.

  10. Sorry. I hate letting go. Thanks for showing such mercy and love to one of little God's critters. Sending you comfort....

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Losing a pet who's been a part of your family for so long is always so hard. =( *hugs*

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Suey I'm so sorry! Sending you and your family comforting thoughts....

  14. Once again, I' sorry! It's not easy losing a pet. :( I liked your kitty and her cute little eyes.

  15. It's hard to let go. One thing cats teach us is how to die with dignity. We went through that a couple of years ago with our 17 year old cat.

  16. Thanks to you all! It's been a weird day without her. Wow, but you realize how much a part of everyday life they are once they are gone, yes? I keep expecting to see her in all the usual places.

  17. Oh, I am so, so sorry! Our beloved pets certainly do leave a hole in our lives when they pass. It has been 2 years since we needed to let our beloved kitty Ollie go to sleep and I still miss him---as does his brother, our other cat, Dodger.
    *Hugs to you*

  18. My thoughts are with you. I know just what it's like to lose a beloved pet. *hugs*

  19. Oh, Suey, I'm so sorry. I lost my 16-year-old cat in the fall of 2010 and it was so hard. She was still living with my parents, and to this day, when I go over there to visit, I still look for her to come greet me at the door and then it hits me all over again. She was so sick though that I know she's better off. Just be glad for the time you had with your sweet kitty. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  20. Oh Suey--I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. It's so hard to make "that" call but sometimes the peace of the poor kitty. But I know how difficult it is to have that loss. Hugs to you and your family!

  21. Suey, I'm so so sorry. I know what you went through. It's so hard to lose our pets. They're such a part of our family. If you want to talk, please let me know. I hope you can remember the good times you had with your kitty in these difficult times.

    (Sorry I didn't respond sooner. This weekend was crazy. My husband's grandmother's funeral was this weekend. I wish I could've checked my Google Reader this weekend so I would've known about this sooner and to give you my condolences on Friday.)

  22. I'm so sorry for your loss! Nothing can replace a wonderful pet.

  23. Oh my goodness. I want to cry just reading this! It's so strange how we all get pets, knowing that that mind-numbing blow will come someday when they pass away. I'm SO sorry. She sounds like she was a special cat, and one that will be remembered for a very long time. *hugs*
