Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Excited to Read in 2012

Wahoo! Here's a list of books I'm excited to read this year! Some will just be coming out, some I just haven't been able to get to until now.

1. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: January 10th! One week! Yay, so excited! Those that got their copy early and read it say it's awesome. Of COURSE it's awesome... what else could it be, right?

2. The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss... this one came out last year, I bought it, but never read it. It was on, like, everyone's best of 2011 lists! I'm going to read it this month, I swear.

3. Crooked Letter Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin... this one I got LAST year for Christmas and it also showed up on many best of lists... so what the heck am I waiting for?

4. Partials by Dan Wells... this comes out end of February. I'm hoping to get my hands on an ARC circulating through the library staff. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

5. Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale... it's been a long time since we've read a new Shannon Hale book, so I'm excited. When does it come out again? Next month too?

6. Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen... I need more Robin Hood stories for sure. I look forward to this one.

7. The Twelve by Justin Cronin... the sequel to The Passage which does come out this year, yes? I think so. I'll be there.

8. Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak... will this come out this year? Oh, please yes, let it!! I don't know if anyone knows what's going on with this book, but I think there's a chance.

9. Persuasion by Jane Austen.... I've been very anxious to re-read this one all last year. THIS year, it's going to happen.

10. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver... a lot of people are putting this on their list today, and as I just barely finished Delirium yesterday and felt so... I don't know... CRAZY at the end, I suppose put me on that band wagon too! Though I'm not sure I really WANT to  know what happens next, you know? Oh boy. Scary.

To join in the list making, be sure to link up over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. I wasn't a fan of The Passage but I liked it enough to give the sequel a try.

  2. I've heard such good things about The Wise Man's Fear too - and I'm looking forward to Pandemonium as well.

  3. book 10 i have also seen on others top 10 book list. Hope you get to read all of the books on your list.

  4. I can't wait to read Partials, loved his trilogy. I'm not a fan of dystopian though but still going to give it a try.

  5. 2 & 3 are on my to read this year list, too. hope you get to and enjoy the fab looking reads on this list!


  6. I haven't heard of some of these so I'll have to check them out. I love that you mentioned The Fault in our Stars and Scarlet! I want to read both of those.

    Here's mine: http://feministfairytalereviews.blogspot.com/2012/01/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-cant-wait-to.html

  7. Partials and Midnight in Austenland are on my list too. I almost put Scarlet on my list. I don't know why I'm so excited for it but I am!

    Obviously I want Bridge of Clay to come out too, but I'm such a pessimist that I'm not crossing my fingers. :(

  8. Great list. I am a huge Jane Austen fan.

    -FABR Steph@FiveAlarmBookReviews
    My Top Ten...

  9. I totally <3 John Green. In an "I know you're married and have a cute little kid but your videos are hilarious and your books are awesome" kind of way. Plus I am also SO THERE for The Twelve.

    I've lurked all year. Dunno if I ever commented. New goal for this year and all. ;]

  10. Ahhhhh! I can't wait for the new John Green. One more week! I can't stand it.

    I need to get to The Wise Man's Fear as well. I'm hoping by February. Nice Valentine to me. :)

    And new Markus Zusak? Seriously? FINALLY? Gah. *drool* I. Hope. So.

  11. Great list! I am looking forward to John Green, too. I pre-ordered it, but sometimes my bookstore is slow... I will have to avoid reviews if that is the case.

    I need to get to Wise Man's Fear, too!

    (PS I am attempting to watch Sherlock Holmes but I am having technological issues. I have no sound... The guy is giving me pointers from work, but nothing is happening. Other than hitting it, which is my current desire, I might have to wait... Sorry)

  12. I CANNOT wait for The Fault in Our Stars!! Thank you again for alerting me to the pre-ordered signed copy business.

  13. Highly recommend "Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter!" It was one of my favs from last year. I just posted my list of the new books I'm looking forward to in 2012 - but I'm afraid to add the list of books I already really, really wanted to read this year!
