Friday, January 27, 2012

Everneath Launch Party

The other night I got to go to an awesome launch party held at one of the coolest book stores ever, The King's English. Finally, after years of waiting and cheering her one, we all got to celebrate the release of Brodi Ashton's first book, Everneath. It was so fun to be there and be part of the excitement. The place was crazy crowded, but filled with so many bloggers and authors and friends and family.

We waited in line for a long long LONG time to finally get our books signed, to a picture, and even a hug! But it as all good because there was food along the way, lots and lots of food!

My mom on the left, then Jenny, me and Brodi.
We also had Emily with us, but she somehow got ahead of us in line!
Yes, I had my mom with me this time because first of all, she lives right around the corner from Brodi. Second, she's never been to see this fun little book store and third, she's always wanted to see what a launch party was. So, it was  perfect one to go to!

I was able to read this book for a blog tour a few months back, so click on over if you missed my review, but basically, I really think you should read this book!


  1. Color me green with envy! Brodi's such a sweet, funny person, I'm so glad her book launch was such a success. Sounds like it was a good time. And, once again, I have to ask: Why did the Utah book blogger/author scene explode only AFTER I moved away?? Boo!

    1. What year did you move away? I know it's been insane around here these days. I can't keep up anymore.

  2. How cool. I wish I could go to more of these, especially when we've been watching Brodi work towards this awesome goal for so long. It looks like it was a lot of fun! Now I'll have to get my hands on it to read. :)

    1. I wish you could come more too! I think you'll love this book.

  3. It was fun to meet your mom, even if it was brief. There was so much happening that night! I can't believe how crowded and packed it was.

  4. Ah, that was a fun night. It was nice to visit The King's English again.

  5. Oh how I wish I could have gone to this event! Yeah for Brodi!

  6. when you mentioned the title, first thought was, ah yes, I remember it has a gorgeous cover.

    I love the Persephone myth (and its various iterations). I am looking forward to reading this.

    congrats on a successful launch!


  7. LOL! That is a pretty awful picture of me. I blame Brodi's husband. ;) Wasn't it fun, though? I think it was one of the better ones we've been to.

  8. So bummed I miss this! But I was doing bookish things that night too - at my other book club. :)
