Friday, December 30, 2011

Year End Number Crunching 2011

I did a pretty lousy job keeping track of the numbers this year, but I've still figured it out thanks to Goodreads. Here's what it shakes down to be:

Total Books Read: 79 (So much for that particular 100 books goal this year!)
Total Re-reads: 5 (counted in the above)
Total Pages: 31,666

Men: 31
Women: 48

Book Club: 7
Challenges: 4 (mostly RIP, though I think I did couple others and just didn't count them here)
Blog Tours: 5
Reviews for ARCs received: 9
Read Alongs: 7
Utah Authors: 19 (some of these are also included in other categories) 
On my own for fun: 41

The library: 14
My own stash: 59
Borrowed: 6

YA: 48
Adult: 31

From the YA category:
Science Fiction/ Fantasy (including dystopian, paranormal, horror, steam punk, etc.): 34
Romance: 1
Other (realistic fiction): 11
Middle Grade: 2 (some of the above books should probably be in this category, technically)

From the Adult category:
Non Fiction: 6
Classics: 4
Literary Fiction: 7
Science Fiction/ Fantasy (including dystopian, paranormal, horror, etc.): 11
Historical Fiction: 0 (are you kidding me?)
Romance: 1

My observations:

  • Well, wow. I didn't do much in the challenges area! And I read much less ARCs for review than last year.
  • Non fiction went up! I did really well reading a NF book a month for the first half of the year. I will try to do that again... well... and make it last all year long.
  • I lost ground with the amount of YA books I read and usage of the library. Interesting.
  • Most everything else stayed about the same percentage-wise compared to the past years.
  • I'm still sad about that classics number... and the literary fiction number. Gosh, why can't I fit more of those in? They end up being my favorites of the year for the most part. 
  • Wait... did I really and truly not read any historical fiction this year? Maybe I did but put it in a different category? THAT has got to change too.
  • I would have thought that even though my total number was down from last year that my pages would be about the same, but nope, they are down about 5000 too. Do you think it's the reading slump I've been in this last while? Or maybe the big trip when I thought I'd read, but just didn't? Probably.
  • HEY! But I DID do a pretty good job at supporting local Utah authors, yes? 
Have you crunched the numbers yet? How did things stack up for you?


  1. I would love to see my numbers but I'm too very lazy. ;)

  2. I didn't read any historical fiction this year either. Gah! And I feel like my literary fiction took a nose dive as well which isn't a good thing. I also tend to find those to be some of my favorites. I'm going to have to keep these things in mind when I write up my goals for 2012 :) Hope you have a great new year!

  3. My reading progressed but certainly not as much as I would like. I'm impressed with 79 books...I'm going to prioritize my reading even more this year. I do like to slow down a bit on my non-fiction and classics and for that reason, I probably will never have the numbers a lot of readers/bloggers have...but that's ok with me.

  4. If many YA didn't make your fav list you should definitely read less next year.

    I like your stats, here are mine if interested.

  5. I like how you do your stats. I did well on the library challenge too, though I fell just short. And I'm now three books shy of the 100 books in a year challenge, and debating if reading a cookbook counts as a book! lol One day, 3 books, not sure I'll make it......You did a good job of supporting your library, and congratulations on reading that many books!

    Happy 2012 and happy reading to you, too, Suey!

  6. This was so interesting! I need to be more like you and read more of my own books and less review books! I think it would make me a happier camper in the end :)

  7. I love these end-of-the-year reports from my favorite book bloggers. It's always fun to see evryone else's stats.

    As for me, I didn't meet my goal of reading 200 books, although I got pretty close (186). One thing I've noticed, especially from looking at your numbers, is that I really need to read more of the books that I buy. I always mean to, but then I get distracted by shiny new ARCs and other goodies that come in the mail. So, I guess that's a good goal for 2012, huh?

    Happy New Year!
