Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Childhood Faves

The prompt this week over at The Broke and the Bookish is a popular one that I've done... oh... probably several times before. Without looking at my previous posts on this subject beforehand, let's see if I come up with the same list!

Top Ten Childhood Favorites

1. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls... can you say cried and cried and cried!
2. The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder... got the whole series and loved them all.
3. The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner...made my brothers play this with me.
4. Nancy Drew by Caroline Keene... and didn't we all love these?
5. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery... I wanted to be Anne so bad.
6. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell... was fascinated by the survivor skills she had.
7. Mr. Pine's Mixed Up Signs by Leonard Kessler... begged the babysitter to bring this every time she came!
8. Ferdinand the Bull by Munro Leaf... it killed me how unfair this whole story is!
9. How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess.... my favorite Christmas story.
10. A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett... a story could get more perfect!

Now you can check my other lists!
Childhood Favorites: Novels
Childhood Favorites: Pictures Books

What's on your list?

(I'm realizing that these lists will once again show everyone how old/young we are! You will not be finding Harry Potter on my childhood favorite list, that's for sure!)


  1. I remember Ferdinand the Bull! Back when we had local grocery stores in my town and not the chain grocery stores, my parents came home one time with Ferdinand the Bull and I remember just devouring it!

    What an awesome list! :-D

  2. I cried horribly at Where the Red Fern Grows! I also loved the Grinch, Little House, and A Little Princess!

    Here's mine:

  3. Island of the Blue Dolphins is on a lot of lists! I loved that book too. :)

    Come check out ours at The Blue Bookcase

  4. I know, I wished HP had been around when I was a kid :) That said, I loved A Little Princess so much! And the boxcar children - why is it runaway stories are so awesome when you're a kid?

  5. I read and loved all but the Mr. Pine book. I haven't heard of that one. Where the Red Fern Grows broke my heart!

  6. These lists are a lot of fun to read! Anne would be on mine, too. And Little House. :)

  7. I'm familiar with most of the books you listed, but I've never read any of them. I feel like I missed out on so much growing up as a non-reader. I'm glad that I read now. Maybe, I can make up for lost time.

  8. What a great selection. My favorite was the nancy Drew series.

    Here's my post.

  9. It's so funny to me that there are series that EVERYONE loves that I could never get into as a child. I guess I haven't changed much. ;)

  10. I can't believe that I never read any Little House books. I honestly don't remember what my childhood favorites were but around late elementary/middle school I started devouring Nancy Drew and Babysitter's Club.

  11. I loved Mr Pine too, in fact I still have my childhood copy!
