Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Happy October!

I'm so happy it's October! It's felt pretty summerish this past week, but I think things are a changin' for the coming one. I'm good with that.

Outside my window: Just now dark on a Saturday night. The lawn is freshly mowed (yep, by me!) and the air is filled with the smell of rain (just a pattering.)

I am listening to: nothing at the moment except the sound of crickets out the window.... and sprinklers in the distance. BUT, I have plans to get out my Halloween music this week. Yay!

I am watching: It's about time for another Dr. Who episode. I'm feeling the mood. This week I watched Terra Nova, and thought it was pretty fun. Reminded me of the old Land of the Lost show that I loved to watch in Saturday mornings. Anyone remember that? (Wow, how fake does that look now? Sheesh.)

I am thinking: of shaking up the prompts for this random musings layout. Any suggestions?

I am grateful for: the end of yet another book fair.

I am reading: I devoured Miles from Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams this morning. Wow, that was intense. And last night I started Under the Dome and got a big chunk (nearly 100 pages) already done!

I am listing: Reviews I need to write to get caught up! And I think I'll start listing this prompt ideas!

I am creating: I supervised the pamphlet making for a school project, and there is still a pottery thing that needs making, and if that doesn't work, we need to figure out how to make a dream catcher.

Around the house: Oh today I put up the Halloween/Fall decorations! I don't have a bunch, but enough to give the place a little festive feel. It was fun anyway.

From the kitchen: Spaghetti tonight using three different things from the garden. And now I think I need to make cookies. (Update... cookies done! Pumpkins ones!)

Some of my favorite things: Uh, pumpkin cookies! Oh, and fall. There there's Freshly mown grass and cool breezes. Right, and visiting college kids.

The children this week: passed their parent teacher conferences. One teacher said about Toto: "She is quiet and brilliant." I really liked that comment.

Plans for the week: You know, I have no idea. I think perhaps it's going to be a fairly quiet normal one. Wow. I plan to enjoy it because the next couple of weeks after that are a bit crazy again.

On this date: Last year our city manager died (he worked closely with the library where I work.) This year, just last week, almost a year to the day, our mayor died. That's just about too twilight zone-ish for me! But wow, sad stuff.

Thanks to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for the inspiration for this post's layout.


  1. Oh, I really hope it gets colder now. If for no other reason than to kill off all the dang spiders!!! Ahem.

    I tried watching Terra Nova and started crying five seconds in so I had to turn it off. Hormones. ;)

    Isn't Under the Dome good? I don't know what I was worried about, I'm totally enjoying it.

    I don't have any fall decorations. :( This is the first time I've cared.

    Oh man, those pumpkin cookies look soooo good!

    Enjoy the "quiet" week.

  2. One of the great thing about fall is that you get that great crisp feeling with the warm colors and yet you still get to enjoy that smell of freshly mown grass! It's definitely time for me to put away the seashells and get out the fall stuff--just need to find the time. You have Halloween music? I'm curious to learn more about that.

  3. It sounds like you're getting a lot done right now! That is sad about the city manager and the mayor. I definitely remember Land of the Lost! It was so fake but so entertaining! :-)

  4. Bummer about Terra Nova...was it all the part about the little girl and stuff? Yes, I am enjoying Under the Come, gruesome parts and all. You should go buy a pretty leaf or something for a decoration!

    Lisa: I'll have to do a Halloween music post, yes?

    Vailly: Yes, I LOVED that show! Weird to think now.

  5. Land of the Lost was my favorite childhood show! At the time it seemed so real (I must have been very young, lol!) I'll have to try Terra Nova.
