Friday, September 30, 2011

Under the Dome Read Along Begins!

A few of us have decided it would be fun to read Stephen King's Under the Dome together as part of our RIP VI reading challenge. Tomorrow is the starting day! Are you ready? Get set, GO!

Here's a schedule that Jenny and I have come up with (which includes page numbers according to my trade paperback book, which I think it's pretty close to the hardback):

Oct. 1: Reading begins
Oct. 7: Read and discuss first ten sections (up to "This is not as bad as it gets" page 213)
Oct. 14: Read and discuss next six sections (up to "In the Jug" page 497)
Oct. 21: Read and discuss next four sections (up to "Busted" page 757)
Oct. 28: Read and discuss last five sections (the end!)
Anytime between Oct. 29-31: Final comprehensive review post.

Each Friday we'll have a discussion post on that week's reading, complete with questions Jenny and I will (hopefully) come up with. We'll email the group these questions a few days before so you all can put up a discussion post too. After that, post your final review post with all your total thoughts on the book.

Here are the bloggers we've got joining us so far:

Let us know if you aren't on this list, but would like to be! (Also let us know if you've changed your mind and don't want to join us after all!)

Here's a quick 30 second book trailer, maybe this will entice you to join us? :)

Okay... are you guys ready for this? I'm a little nervous given the size of this thing and that it's by, you know, Stephen King, and all. Just his name can creep me out! But I think it's going to be a fun wild ride, so let's get going!


  1. Oooo! I hadn't seen that trailer and since I got a little head start reading I'm even more creeped out!

  2. Have fun with this! I'd join if I didn't already feel so bogged down with books. :) (Not the worst feeling in the world.) I just feel like I have so many books to read between now and our book club that I better bow out so I can get those done, lol. I'll be interested to read your posts, though.

  3. I was more than halfway through the novel when I learned from Carl that you both were hosting the read along. However, I still want to participate in the postings/thoughts as you go. Don't be concerned about the mammoth size; it goes quickly! Although i did wish I'd bought it for my nook as it became quite heavy. ;)
