Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Re-Reading Wants

It's a re-read list today over at The Broke and the Bookish! Now, let's make sure we understand here... these are books I currently wouldn't mind re-reading at this very moment. They are not necessarily books I've already re-read, or books I'd love to read again for the first time, or books I simply love to re-read over and over and over again... just books I think would be fun to re-read, right now. Clear?

Top Ten Books I Want to Re-read

1. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.... because the first time through I didn't understand a thing, the second time through I loved it and I kind of want to see if I love it again a third time through, and also to determine if my ability to read classics truly is diminishing.

2. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.... same reasons as above plus I want to see if my fascination with Sydney Carton has held up over the years.

3. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.... because it's been a few years now which means it's time for a re-read!

4. Life of Pi by Yann Martel.... because I wonder if having already read this book would make it not as good as the first time through... or make it better.

5. The Enchanted Cup by Dorothy Roberts... because this is one of the first books I remember reading as a teen that blew me away with it's tragic love story and I'd love to find it and read it again.

6. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.... because I can't remember all the fascinating details that were found in this book and I want to remember!

7. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley... because I want to see if I really like it has much as I thought I did.

8. The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart.... because this is where my love for all things King Arthur and Merlin began and it would be a blast to revisit.

9. The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot... because after our recent read (re-read) of Middlemarch, it would be fun to read this one again too to see if I truly do like it better than Middlemarch.

10. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.... because this was my first of his books which started the love affair with them all.... and I can't even remember much about it!

What books do you want to re-read right now?


  1. There are always so many books I want to reread, but I am really bad about doing so... This is a great list! I am reading The Woman in White for the first time right now.

  2. Suey, what an awesome list of books! I haven't read all of them but they are all "deep thoughts" books.
    Happy Tuesday.

  3. I'm thinking I need some George Eliot in my life ... I haven't read anything by her yet!

  4. I'm sensing a theme here. Maybe a post idea??? Have you lost the ability to enjoy a good classic with all the "light" YA books we read?

  5. I so want to read Frankenstein. I just don't know when I'm going to get to it, lol. Someday. ... Someday.

  6. I'd love to reread Great Expectations. That's one of my favorites. I reread The Book Thief this year and it was even better the second time around.

  7. The Historian, Frankenstein, and The Crystal Cave are books I have read and love. Your comments on The Crystal Cave are my sentiments exactly!

  8. I have to say I could never be convinced to reread A Tale of Two Cities, because I hated it so much. I do want to read Great Expectations though!

  9. I need to reread most of my old favorites to remember why they are favorites...

  10. Ohhhh, The Book Thief...I need to reread that one, too! I read A Tale of Two Cities in high school but don't remember a thing about it, so I'd like to revisit that one, too. Others on your list, like the Wilkie Collins, are on my TBR-for-the-first-time list!
