Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Report on the Utah Book Bloggers Social

Last Saturday night our group of Utah Book Bloggers met up for the sixth time (twice a year since Jan. 2009.) We gathered at a park in the canyon, ate some awesome food, and just talked and talked. We were a small group this year and I was a little disappointed that more people couldn't make it, but that's how these things go, I suppose. Last time there were so many it was hard to really talk and this time we sat in our cozy circle and got to know everyone! So that was a good thing. I took these three pictures which I'll share despite the fact that you can't really see anyone.

From left to right:
Julia from Writing Jewels
Becky from One Literature Nut
Penelope from The Reading Fever (and her son)
Emily from Emily's Reading Room (and her daughter)
Natasha from Maw Books
Lorren from The Story Girl

Kathy from Read This Instead (and her son and husband)
Diana from Diana's Amazing Book Adventures (and her husband hidden on the bench)
Taylor, Natasha's husband
Lorren's husband

And here's my daughter Toto, who had the choice of coming to a book blogger party or watching the football games with a bunch of rowdy boys. Of course she choose the party, but spent much of it curled up in the chair reading!

So thanks to everyone that came! I had fun getting to know a few more of you and hopefully you all enjoyed the evening out.


  1. I'm glad you guys had a good time. I wish I could've made it to that one. The coziness of that turn out would've been nice to get to know everyone. Next time, I vow not to have a cat coming out of surgery or a midterm! I will be there! I'll adopt the PO motto: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays [me] from the [attendance of the next Book Blogger Social]."

  2. Can I just tell you that I think it is fantastic that you guys have such a tight knit community. Great job!

  3. Glad you had a good time. I wish I could have come, but it was my birthday and I was celebrating with my family. =)

  4. *jealous* and sad to miss one I might have chatted at ;-)

  5. Well, small or not I thought it was great. I was worried I wouldn't chat with anyone but having such a small group was cozy and I think I chatted with everyone.

  6. I'm very bummed I couldn't make it. It would've been nice to have a more intimate group. Hopefully, I can come to the next one!

  7. Thanks again for putting that together. It really was a lot of fun. (Even my husband had fun chatting with the other husbands.) :)
    And your pictures turned out better than mine. I'll try to get them on my blog soon.

  8. And here I thought no pictures had been taken! But, luckily, there is photographic evidence of me looking very concerned about something.

    It was a great event, and Abigail sure loved your rootbeer!
