Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Josh Week

Outside my window: Bright sunshine on a lazy Sunday morning!

I am listening to: Well, I talked about the Eurythmics this week already, which was fun. And we've been listening to this song a lot, a song that we discovered years ago but are having a bit of a revival with this week. But mostly, this particular week, I'll be listening to Josh, because after all, it's Josh Week for me.

I am watching: We went to yet another movie this week. Captain America. It was fun, not my favorite superhero movie though. That would be Batman, considering the chills I got just watching the trailer! Sheesh. And there was a cool trailer for the new Spiderman too, and afterwards, nearly the whole theater whispered... why another one? I don't know why either, but with Andrew Garfield in it, I''ll go. Also this week, I watched a bunch of Dr. Who episodes, still waiting for David Tennant to appear though.

I am thinking: about BBAW coming up! Yes, be sure to head on over to their site to get registered and participate! It's really quite fun.

I am grateful for: for "own" money so I can buy however many books I want!

I am reading: Yep, still Middlemarch! Getting close to the end though! Making progress! Also this week I read the first assignment for the buddy read of The Way of Kings. Very intriguing book so far. My first-part thoughts will be up tomorrow, so stay tuned. I also finished Illusions, review to come this week. I had fun with it, but am sad it ended just as things were getting going and now we have to wait for book four. Ugh.

I am photographing: nothing nothing nothing!

I am listing: things to blog about, as usual. I'm also listing potential blog names for my sister who is about ready to launch her blog! She is nervous but will be an awesome blog writer. Stay tuned, because I will be giving links and you will want to go say hi! :)

I am creating: UGH, why does this question make me crazy every week? It's like a guilt trip question! I need to be creating something, and I'm just not!

I am hoping and praying: family in Lake Powell this week have no mishaps and all will be well!

Around the house: I'm hoping to talk my husband into a remodel of our bedroom. It's actually never been decorated at all, so after 20 years in this house, I think it's time. We painted once and that's it.

From the kitchen: I haven't been cooking much. We made lasagna in the crock pot at the beginning of the week and it lasted all week long. Oh, and also lots of fresh tomato sandwiches! I love this time of year just for that!

One of my favorite things: Besides fresh tomato sandwiches? And Josh Groban concerts? And buying new books? That's it for this week I guess!

The children this week: were bored. Very very bored. Only two weeks left of this terrible boring summer!

Plans for the week: Deal with bored children some more. And get excited for the concert on Saturday. And read.

On this date: It was two years ago this week I got my bookshelves! Yes, that was fun!

Thanks to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for the inspiration for this post's layout.


  1. Those poor bored children, a whole summer with nothing to do! The horror!

    Boy, do I miss having nothing to do long enough to get bored. I can hardly imagine it now! LOL!

  2. Megan: EXACTLY! They make me crazy, because I feel like there's so much to do! And this WAS the summer of the "trip of a lifetime" too, so I really don't feel too sorry for them. They frown on my every suggestion, so I've just given up and will let them be bored all they want.

  3. Your kiddos can come help me work in my classroom. They won't be bored long.

    I am so envious of your Josh Groban concert!! Send some sound waves my way please.

    Yum...tomato sandwiches. My husband would be in heaven. Our garden is on it's way out and we are preparing to replant for fall. Our cucumbers have taken over the garden and the tomatoes are on their last legs. Gosh, who knew that 116 was just too hot for those little buggers?!?!?!

    I love your Sunday Salon.

  4. I love you Sunday Salon idea. I hope you don't mind if I steal a version of it! (a form of flattery!)

  5. I can't wait to hear all about Josh and how it goes. So exciting!

    I need to check out the Spiderman trailer, I haven't seen it yet.

    I hate that creating question too! It makes me feel guilty, guilty, guilty!!! Or just plain uncreative!

  6. a Spiderman reboot is entirely too soon. they couldn't scrounge for another hero (like they did with Thor)?

    The daughter has been whining about boredom as well!! well, she will be hoping for boredom very very soon.

    hope the "i am creating" will be an easy prompt for you in the near future--personally, I think I would put fresh tomato sandwiches under that prompt, sounds delish!


  7. a Spiderman reboot is entirely too soon. they couldn't scrounge for another hero (like they did with Thor)?

    The daughter has been whining about boredom as well!! well, she will be hoping for boredom very very soon.

    hope the "i am creating" will be an easy prompt for you in the near future--personally, I think I would put fresh tomato sandwiches under that prompt, sounds delish!


  8. Inside: My 12 year old would probably love to help you get your classroom ready! I will be posting in detail about the concert I'm sure, so be prepared!

    Anne: Yep, steal away! I stole it too! :0

    Jenny: You know there'll be a post. I'm sure some will be rolling their eyes!

    L: Yes, I'm sure my kids will be wishing for their boredom back. Okay, yes! I'm creating tomato sandwiches! NO! I'm creating tomatoes in my backyard! :)

  9. I'll probably go see the new Spider Man because of Andrew Garfield too. He's great.
