Monday, August 1, 2011

June and July Reading Recap

I skipped monthly recapping last month because, well, I wasn't here for one, and also because I hardly read anything. This month was pretty bad too, but at least I can combine the two of them to get a decent list.

Here's what I read in June:

Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigulapi: A dsytopian society that makes its living by tearing down ship wrecks for crude resources.

Birth Marked by Caragh M. O'Brien: A dystopian society that requires those outside the city to give up a quota of their kids to those inside.

The Last Chance Texaco by Brent Hartinger: A girl finally comes to terms with her foster care life just when things start getting out of control.

Happy Birthday to Me by Brian Rowe: An obnoxious teenager is suddenly aging a year every day.

And this is what I managed for July:

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson: A guy who is badly burned in a car accident meets an interesting girl in the hospital and learns that he may have an alternate history.

The Forgotten Locket by Lisa Mangum: The conclusion to a trilogy that finds Abby and Dante working together to fix time.

The Book Blogger's Cookbook by Christy Dorrity: A book that combines recipes with books with book blogger reviews, and includes amazing pictures too.

What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen: A girl moves yet again to a new city and school and decides that maybe it's finally time to be herself.

A Crown of Swords by Robert Jordan: Rand continues to grow in power while the girls continue to solve Aes Sedai problems.

This not what summer reading should look like! What is my problem?!

Favorites from this bunch are The Gargoyle and Ship Breaker.

How's your summer reading going? Better than mine I hope.

My plans for August:

  • finish Middlemarch by George Eliot
  • start The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
  • Possession by Elana Johnson
  • Illusions by Aprilynne Pike
  • Entwined by Heather Dixon
  • perhaps start Under the Dome by Stephen King!
Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! I'm happy to hear Ship Breaker was so good. I'm on the waiting list for that one from the library. I'm hoping to get to Possession and Illusions soon too. Happy reading. :)

  2. You've had such a busy summer, though. Glad you liked Ship Breaker. I think I need another dystopian read soon.

  3. I feel like my reading's been slow this month, too, but that has mostly to do with taking two vacations, neither of which were the sit-and-read type. Oh well. That's what summer's like sometimes!

    You read some good books, though. I love both SHIP BREAKER and BIRTH MARKED. The sequel to BM is winging its way to me as we speak - sooo excited!

  4. You've had a busy summer living a real life. Don't feel bad about your low book numbers. I'm ready whenever you are for Under The Dome. I was just waiting for you. You have a lot of BIG books to read.
