Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bookword Meme Idea

Hey everyone! This post has two purposes.... first, to find out if there's interest in reviving the Bookword Game as a simple listing meme, and second to see if I have successfully figured out how to use Google Docs like a Mr. Linky.

So, we (Raidergirl3 of An Adventure in Reading) thought it would be fun to take the list of Bookwords we all created over the past couple of years and have all those interested make lists from them to post and share in their blogs. We would pick one word each week or so, and then we would each make a list of books that fit that word for us. So, for example, if the word that week was CheckBook, I would list books that I've read where I can remember constantly checking to see what page I was on. (Usually, these are big fat books where I'm anxious to see progress.) And you, as participants, would do the same word that week, and we'd compare our lists. It's just another simple list meme using Bookwords as the prompt.

Then, since I really didn't want to deal with Mr. Linky, yet I wanted a way to make a list of blogs participating each week, I figured out how to use the forms in Google Docs as a sort of Mr. Linky.... at least I think I did. So that's where you need to help me today by filling out this form with your name and blog info if you think you are interested in this Bookword meme idea. (This doesn't mean you are committing to anything, just interested) That way, we can see if we have any takers, plus determine if my Google Linky form is working.

Once you've filled out the form, be sure to refresh the browser to see if your info appears in the bottom form below. Then you'll be able to see if it's working or not. Let me know if you encounter problems!

Make perfect sense to y'all?

Thanks for you help and enthusiasm!


  1. I think it only updates every 5 minutes, so it may not appear when you first refresh. It took a few minutes before mine showed up.

  2. Hmmm... I wonder if I can go change that....

  3. Um, I did mine twice before it showed up. I hope it doesn't all of the sudden list me twice.

  4. Yep! Twice... I guess it takes five min. to refresh.

  5. Mine showed up pretty fast. Maybe I just timed it right. :) Sounds like a fun idea.
