Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Settings (Real and Not Real)

Interesting question about settings over The Broke and the Bookish today. The task is to list our favorite settings in books (real or not real.) And while I love most settings, when I actually think of my favorites, I tend to veto them all! Most settings are not ideal. Have you noticed? Most worlds and situations are rather depressing, sad, scary and awful! So this list is harder to come up with then you might think.

Top Ten Favorite Settings

1. Any Victorian mansion... you know... Pemberly, Thornfield Hall, etc.

2. That elf city in Lord of the Rings.... Rivendell... yeah that one!

3. The box car in the Box Car Children! I thought that was so freaking cool!

4. Hogwarts... of course!

5. Avonlea, Prince Edward Island. What a lovely place! Well, at least in the books, and I'm sure in real life too. Wait... is there really an Avonlea? Wait what? Is it fictional?!!?

(This looks kinda real....)

6. The Tower of London... a real place (and I KNOW this is a real place, a really cool place!) featured in lots of stories both fiction and non.

7. The world of color created by Brandon Sanderson in Warbreaker.

8. A big western log cabin house.... like perhaps the one featured in Kaki Warner's books.

Maybe it looked something like this?

9. Razo and Rin's place in the forest and/or Finn's place too.

10. King Aurthur's castle in Camelot!

Even better if a Merlin who looks like this is there!

Hmm.... a lot of castles and such. Interesting. What are some of your favorite settings?


  1. We must have similar tastes because five of yours are on my list as well! Love the picture you have of Camelot castle.

  2. Great list! I love places as well. It would be so much fun to be a part of them in real life.

  3. A good Victorian mansion is a great setting!

  4. The box car never even crossed my mind, but what a great choice!!! I'd also like to visit Prince Edward Island.

  5. Great list!! I never would have thought of the Box Car! How cool would that be?!

  6. The boxcar is certainly a place I loved as a kid - now I am afraid that I would want to add air conditioning!

    What a fun sense of place you created. Some days I want misty moors and the crashing of waves, some days I want bright and sunny, some days I desire shaded forest glens and still others I'll let the hustle and bustle of the city call me. Maybe that's why the Harry Potter series called me - I could get all in one book! I AM a mixed bag. It was fun to see your photo takes on this.

    Thanks for sharing.
    BTW - under 100 for the whole coming week! Yes!

  7. I love old forests and castles too. So enchanting!

  8. I love your list and I've often wished I could visit some of these places.

  9. I just love that you included pictures. :)

    Great list! I had Bayern on mine too (the country in which Rin and Razo's forest resides); also Hogwarts and Rivendell and some reference to English manors.

    Brandon Sanderson's on my must-read list.

  10. As your PEI expert, I can let you know that there is no Avonlea on PEI, (where did you get that picture?), but the community of Cavendish is what Avonnlea was based on. And Cavendish is where Green Gables house is, and the post office where LM lived with her grandparents, and where LM is buried.
    So, when are you coming to Cavendish?

  11. Merlin looks kind of goofy if you ask me. I think I had a mission comp that looked like that.

  12. You should go to PEI. It is a nice province. :) I need to get back there one of these days!

  13. Wow! Most of your list is so practical! I'd be thinking of the most weird places but you're right, they might not be so good after all!

  14. Right on with the Boxcar. I definitely wanted to live there as a kid, although, as an adult, I'm not sure why.

    Check out my list here

  15. I covered almost every place, I think!

    Here is my Top Ten post!

  16. Anne: I'm so sad that when I was in England, we didn't have time to visit what they think is Camelot! Oh, well. Next time!

    Jenni: Very true! It would be fun.

    Nise: Thanks! :)

    Reviews: I know. A vacation there would fun... I'm still wondering about actually living there.

    Two B's: I loved the box car!

    Ice Dancer: I made my siblings play "box car children" because I thought it was so cool.

    Inside: Yes, as an adult... the allure of the box car isn't so great. Enjoy your "cooler" temps!

    Trish: Enchanting indeed!

    Melissa: Me too for sure.

    Jenna: It's very fun to hunt down the pictures!

    Raidergirl: I was hoping you'd speak up! So when am I coming? Hmmm... some day, some day....

    Jed: He is goofy, but a very cute goofy. Did your comp have a smile like this?

    Kailana: I should... I really really should!

    Jenny: The weird ones are pretty creepy!

    LBC: LOL... yep. It seemed cool then that's for sure!

    Gautami: Awesome!

  17. I'm with you on those Victorian mansions! The castles are great settings but I don't think I'd want to have to live in one.
