Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Bookish Websites

Today from The Broke and the Bookish.... my Top Ten Five Favorite Bookish Websites:

1.Goodreads: I remember trying to decide between this one, Library Thing and Shelfari. I must say, I'm glad to have gone with this one. I have a blast with it, keeping lists and making friends and doing my mini reviews. Here's a link to me there if you'd like to drop by.

2. Paperback Swap: I haven't used this one as much lately as I did in the beginning, but I still from time to time order a book from here and have fun seeing it come in the mail. I need to update my posted books to swap and maybe I'll start getting a little more action again and building my points back up.

3. Amazon: I know some of you hate this place, but I find the deals too hard to refuse and I often go here to see what other people are saying about the books. I would like to make better use of the "wish list" feature.

4. Shelf Awareness: a place to see what's up and coming and to request ARCs. It's fun at first, but then can get overwhelming with the amount of requests you can get going and ARCs you feel you must read.

5. Fyrefly's Blogger Directory: the place I go to find my other reviews. Are you on there? If not, click here.

That's all I can think of at the moment, so I'll leave it at five this time around. What are your favorites? I would especially like to know about Android apps that you love!


  1. I had not heard of the firefly site. Will check it out!

    Here is my Top Ten post!

  2. I've seen Shelf Awareness on quite a few blogs today. I'll have to check it out. :)

  3. I'm definitely going to have to check out Shelf Awareness, and I love my Goodreads. I'm still getting used to the extra stuff on there. I couldn't live without my PaperBackSwap =)

  4. Wow, I'm in good company! :) Thanks for plugging the search engine... I'm glad you find it useful!

    I came down on the LibraryThing side of point #1, and the BookMooch side of point #2, but otherwise, I think my list looks a lot like yours.

  5. Well, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who couldn't come up with more than a few. That's why I didn't join today. Shelf Awareness you say? Hmmm. ;)
