Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Sunday Salon: Popping In

Written Saturday evening from an undisclosed location:

Outside my window: It's been pouring rain and I mean POURING! But it's very hot and very humid and very muggy too.

I am listening to: pure and total silence at the moment.

I am watching: absolutely nothing.

I am thinking: that popping ibuprofen and drinking caffeine must have truly killed this headache of mine! 

I am grateful for: family vacations.

I am reading: hardly anything. You'd think that I'd read while on vacation... NOT. It's very frustrating.

I am photographing: a TON of things and I'll share later I hope.

I am listing: no lists this week.

I am creating: memories to last a lifetime!

On my iPod: a play list 300 songs long that everyone is sick to death of hearing by now!

I am hoping and praying: no one gets sick.

Around the house: I hope all is well.

From the kitchen: Ha! No cooking for me for awhile still!

One of my favorite things: driving around and seeing new places.

The children this week: Have been very well behaved for the most part and not much complaining and I hope are having fun.

Plans for the week: No work and all play.

On this date: My summer last year was really boring compared to my summer so far this year! I guess it's like that sometimes.

Thanks to Ibeeeg of Polishing Mud Balls for the inspiration for this post's layout.


  1. I'm all for silence and nothingness. Sunday is a fantastic day for that. Vacation is fantastic for that. Good for you.

    Here's my Sunday Salon: Une Petite Visite à Paris. (And don't's in English. I just like to pretend to speak French.)

  2. All it has done lately is rain. It's depressing!

  3. Have FUN!! Life is about the journey, the relationships and the memories...soak it all up. AND, send some rain. I could use it!

    Stay safe.

  4. Sigh! I want to pack up and just drive somewhere fun but my needy cat restrains me. I'm glad you're having fun. I can't wait to hear all about it.

  5. It sounds like you're doing some relaxing, even if you aren't doing much reading. Enjoy!

  6. Have fun on your holiday! I rarely get much read either, no matter how much I want to. Pictures, family, seeing new places - they feed the soul too.

  7. Can I say... I am going through Suey withdrawl!! I look forward to when you are back and actively commenting. In the meantime, I really hope you are having a great blast. How fun to go on a trip such as yours; wish we were on a trip.
