Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weekly Geeks 2011.16: Best Bookish Moments

Over at Weekly Geeks this week we are asked to think of a few things that have stood out to us since the year began, and have, so far, been our favorite bookish moments of the year.

Can you guess what mine are? Well at least what my top one is? As my mom always says, I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count!

Best Bookish Moments of the Year 2011.... So Far

1. Markus Zusak!

Need I say more? Years ago, when I realized this guy was a most awesome author and decided to list him always as my number one favorite, I remember thinking.... too bad I'll never be able to meet him. Then suddenly one day, he came! Now I wonder, did that really happen? Yes, it did!

2. Jenny is blogging! 

Jenny's been coming to book club at my house for years now, and somewhere along the way we clicked and have found a lot of fun in comparing our book (and other) tastes. I've taken her with me along on many bookish adventures and finally, just this past month, she started blogging! Yes, now you all can go over there and see what she thinks about things. Just an example of her style is her non-recommendation for a book she recently reviewed... does she recommend it? "Fat Freaking Chance!"

3. Buddy read with Ibeeeg!

I love buddy reads, and it was a blast to read book number six of the huge Wheel of Time series together during March and April with Ibeeeg. A perfect motivation to get through what is quite the daunting task. Soon, we'll be tackling book seven!

4. A fantastic fun read and new favorite: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss!

Still thinking about it, wondering when I can get back to these characters. Soon, I hope, since I just ordered book two. But life is going to get crazy, so I don't know, I just don't know.

5. General random miscellaneous bookish connections!

Book blogging parties, launch parties, Twitter chats, LTUE, book club, the upcoming Armchair BEA events.... all of it. Connecting through books has just been especially fun this year so far!

What bookish things have stood out to you so far this year?


  1. I'd definitely agree with you about Markus, but I think you know that. And I still want to do a buddy read with you on Under the Dome but no pressure. Thanks for the shout out. (blushing)

  2. I guessed straight away, and correctly that Markus Zusak would be your number one bookish moment of the year, thus far (probably will stay number one all year).

    I am glad Jenny is blogging as I am enjoying her blog. :)

    Ah, thanks Suey for ranking our buddy read up there on your list. We do need to get going on the next book, soon. Do you have a date in mind?

    Okay, I am gonna...sorta...take credit for number 4. You know, seeing how I recommneded this fantastic book to you. (although, others could have recommended it to you as well). Anyway, I am sooo glad that The Name of the Wind has taken hold of you as it did with me. I am staring at the next book; have not read it yet for fear that I may not like it as much. Silly though because all I am hearing is great things about The Wise Man's Fear.

    Tell me about armchair BEA. It sounds intriguing this year; last year I was not intrigued.

  3. Jenny: Yes, for sure let's do Under the Dome...but it will probably have to wait until after The Big Trip!

    Ibeeeg: And I can start the Wheel of Time in June, but... it will probably take me through July to finish...and I'm not sure I'll take it on The Big Trip... we'll see. What are you thinking about it?

    Armchair BEA is next week, and they've got a bunch of stuff going on and post ideas planned that sound pretty fun. Check out the list here:
