Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Let the Summer Reading Begin!

See? This is what happens when we go to the library! Unsupervised! With abandon!Some are "mine," some are JJ's and some are Toto's. We probably won't read many of them, but they are there if needed! The ones I really hope to get to to are Finnikin of the Rock, Bruiser and City of Ashes. After that, we'll see.

And no, it's not really time for summer reading... it's time for end of the year projects, papers and tests! It's time for recitals and programs and award assemblies! It's time for figuring out next year's schedule, and planning housing arrangements for college kids. It's time for spring cleaning and garden planting. And it's still May which it's still Utah Author Month! So yes, we are jumping the gun a little bit... but... who's keeping track?


  1. I am a middle school librarian and have spent the year ordering books that I want to read as well. I can't wait for the last day of school when I can take a big stack home with me!! Have fun!

  2. +JMJ+

    That is quite a stack!!!

    How long will the library let you keep them?

  3. That is EXACTLY how I go to the library. I get all I can hold, and read one. Maybe 2.
    What fun!

  4. Wow! And I thought I was ambitious bringing four or five home!

  5. Stop torturing me...I am in Book Lust. I think any one of those books could distract me from report cards, writing folders, cleaning, laundry, packing my classroom....this was MY kind of library trip.

    Have a great week :)

  6. ohh I see Bruiser, The Schwa was Here and Antsy does Time. All great books.

  7. Tea: Me too, me too!

    Jana: That sounds fun!

    Enbrethiliel: We get three weeks, and then can renew for another three if no one has them on hold.

    Debbie: Yep, better to be safe than sorry right?

    Jenny: Well, only about five or six are "mine" I suppose.

    Inside: It's been awhile since I've done this, so we sort of went overboard!

    Laura: I'm going to read Bruiser soon. The other two I've read and wanted my 12 year old to read.

  8. I love, love, love that photo! It's the greatest feeling to go to the library and walk out with a bunch of books. I'd love to know how you like Jelicoe Road. I haven't read it, but I'm considering it. :)

  9. I love looting my library! Nothing better than coming home with a big bag of books! Love the photo!
